A reminder for Jason DeSouza : The Pashtunwalli code requires him to serve a 
lost stranger his own evening meal,and bed. The territory includes the city of 
Peshawar  and the Kashmir district.  It was annexed by Britain which then 
wenton to call it the North West Frontier, much the way Waziristan became the 
Tribal Area.     The Pashtuns murdered the first colonial prime minister, 
Liaquat Ali Khan in 1950, and the sixth - Benazir Bhutto. Allone hundred young 
new Frontier Scouts lost their lives in an action ten years ago.     
Afghanistan and Pakistani units continue to exchange artillery fire across the 
Frontier's border.     Jason can treat himself to those lamb chops at Alwyn's 
restaurant, Cardamon, in New York.   ps. The East India Company was not as 
successful in Kabul. It was taken by 200 Scots who led an army of 20,000men 
gifted by Amritsar. The only person to emerge alive a year later was the 
Scottish regiment physician, on a giftedmule.

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