Dr. Adolfo:
It is always a pleasure to hear from you, as you regale us with your 
experiences.  Before the Good Lord recalls you, will you please pen your 
autobiography, listing all your experiences, educational achievements, and 
other achievements for which you have received the highest recognition both at 
the National level in Tanzania and Internationally ?While I am a Kiswahili 
speaker, like you, most of the readers of your post may not know the meaning of 
the very unusual middle name of  the late President of Tanzania - Mr. John 
Pombe Magafuli.. Please enlighten your readers.  I am sure it will cause a lot 
of  mirth. .
I am glad that Tanzania has its first Lady President, who by all accounts is 
very capable and highly regarded. May she serve Tanzania well.
Cashews in Vietnam - news to me.  That begs the question, does Goa rank among 
the first ten highest producers ?Do they distill Feni in Vietnam albeit with a 
different appellation ?Interesting cocktail using the world renowned (at least 
by Dr. Adolfo's reckoning) Quepem Cashew Feni.  I wish you had given us a 
little more information (proportions).  I grow Aloe Vera, Cashews and Bimblie, 
on my estate in Goa (though far from Quepem)/Having most of the prime 
ingredients, this lush is anxious to concoct this interesting cocktail.
it is interesting to read that  "amcho Goencho Saib" St. Francis Xavier, spent 
more time in Kilwa, Tanzania than he did in Goa.How did you learn about his 
stint in Kilwa. Are there some clues that you came across during your research 
on the Saint's proselityzing in Kilwa, Tanzania ?
Kwaheri Mzee Adolfo, na Mungu Ibariki (Kiswahili traslation - Goodbye Elder 
Adolfo and May God bless you !)
Vivian (aka Mzee Shenzi) D'Souza (born and  raised in Tanzania when it was 
called Tanganyika)

    On Tuesday, 20 April, 2021, 04:45:56 pm IST, Adolfo Mascarenhas 
<adca...@gmail.com> wrote:  
Roland and All Others"

Regarding Message: 2  Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2021 19:12:46 -0400 on the subject in  
[Goanet] Mega List AndIndustrializations
Message-ID: <282ef526-6b8c-4f77-baca-e82815b87...@gmail.com

It has been a great fews days, despite the incessant rains, the havoc caused by 
crazy road builders who want to construct a major road connecting Makongo Juu 
with the University and the sprawling multiple city of no longer Haven of Peace

I am upset because our pristine environment, full of rare plants, including the 
ancient cycad one which actually came from our ancestors Home in Quepem.....

I am still sane because our Lady President of Tanzania, has appointed Dr 
Blindina Kilahama one of her eight advisors.  It so happens that Dr Balindina, 
an Economist did her Ph d on the Cashew in Vietnam...Yes Vietnam which has 
overtaken Tanzania as the 2nd or third largest producer of nuts. John Pombe 
Magafuli our 5th President who was  recalled by Our Lord was also interested in 
the Cashew but more Seed ....yes Brake Lining for Motor Vehicles !!!  As a 
Director of Postgraduate studies of UDSM I  read his proposal and told him not 
to waste my time He would be sent to Britain.  JPM remembered the occasion and 
in front of thousands of citizens told them who had sent him to England ...ALAS 
I forgot to tell him that URAK and Feni could reduce stress and would have 
enabled him to focus and be rational instead of thing of MEGA Projects .   A 
pleasant soothing cocktail can be concocted by using Superior quality of Feni 
(purchased in Quepem) a bit of aloe vera, not from my garden, tonic water and a 
round Bimblie ...Yes Goans have introduced that plant in Tanganyika ....its 
found in several different parts of DSM where Goans lived. 

When we have so much of good things happening  why should we be burdened with 
Maga List.

Let me end this piece by now bring in our Lady President ....As Vice President 
in 2019 December she awarded me a citation  for making Ngorongoro a World 
Heritage Site (UNESCO -WHS)   I pledged to help the Govt to start two WHS in 
Kilwa and Lindi .....She asked her Press Secretary to have my Photograph taken 
for the Press.  A week later the Immigration Dept...called my neighbour 
...<<<Tell the Professor to Collect his E-Passport. There was no question of 
bribing for my birth right ....

How do the Goans fit in ? Our Patron Saint St Francis Xavier was in Kilwa 
before he came to Goa ...he spent more time in Kilwa than he in did in Goa ! 
Yes he studied the language, helped with the sick and got converts...Yet there 
are two Massive Mosques, the Palace of the Sultan from Muscat....yet for over 
400 years Christians have lived in Peace !

Grandolfo In Makongo Juu 


Are you in Goa or Tanzania.
This is Urrak season so return to Quepem.


Roland Francis            416-453-3371


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