- Shri Arvind Kejriwal ji  & Shri .Manish Sisodia ji    
Aam Aadmi Party. New Delhi INDIA   
The announcement by Shri Sisodia ji   that AAP on its own steam will  be 
contesting 40 Legislative Assembly seats in Goa at the next electoral  hustings 
in March 2022 is a joke.  The ground swell opinion as given to understand to 
this writer   after several interactions with voters of all denominations young 
and old, across the state clearly reveal discreetly that the  party leadership 
in Goa  has been taken over by the Gaud Saraswat Brahmin  or  Bhat Brahmin 
community   overtly or covertly  sidelining others  who  earlier mainly 
minority community that  called the shots.    
Mr Sisodia ji should understand that there is a virtual divide between the 
----voters----- of the Old conquest talukas (1510-1961) and the New Conquests 
talukas (1763  to 1961) viz   the coastal ,midland ,and  western ghat talukas . 
 Then the other issues in the  political primer in Goa is the "bahujan"  and  
'non bahujan'  segments the votaries of Konkani language in"nagari  " / english 
script ...     
No doubt every Goan speaks Konkani the inclinations towards the Konkani english 
version phonetic and the miniscule  "nagari " Konkani remain   a broad 
divide...especially after the official language act 1987 was passed.  The  
Marathi votaries also  speak Konkani as their mother tongue doubt but for 
political reasons will  always  swear only by Marathi and never Konkani in 
"nagari" script . The fact that they are comfortable with Konkani compulsory 
for Govt jobs but accepted the status of Marathi as desirable is a pointer in 
this direction.   
Then and  now sixty years post liberation or call it what you like   .... the 
"Bhatkar"  and  'Mundcar"   mindset has still ceased to bring  unify among the 
Goan voter. No doubt the former  has reached the nadir and reflect only the 
embers of the past rule and are a fading lot  but the latter being economically 
empowered looks to switch into the bandwagon of the former  but their mindset 
remains largely unchanged..   
Mr Sisodia would do well to understand the "AJEEB" goan nature  a sobriquet 
used  by our late Pt  J Nehru when the 28 INC candidates lost their deposits  
at  the  first electoral  hustings post Liberation.  Much later in the eighties 
the Goa Congress Party a regional outfit who assumed they would be in the 
treasury benches at the height of the Konkani agitation  ..... which out beat 
even the otherwise peaceful Opinion  Poll  of 1967 to decide merger with 
Maharashtra or otherwise   ended up as wishful thinking with just one being 
declared elected unopposed and had to grace the  non treasury  benches.   
Mr. Sisodia should also know that all those who  call them selves Goans ... 
many have changed names and surnames to Goan names  ...but are largely those 
domiciled in Goa ...... unless AAP can assure a minimum of  atleast 7 seats of 
the  21 required of a simple majority  to be on the treasury benches this 
segment will go by those who have been tested and tried thus far and would 
never gamble for instability or a hotch potch combine. by voting for AAP.  
Delhi is largely cosmopolitan and most voters are migrants from the erstwhile 
BIMARU states viz Bihar Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh  and now 
includes the states split to carve out Jarkhand Chattisgarh Uttaranchal  and 
their basic concerns were power water supply housing  health care ... and 
corruption in routine administrative work .. which AAP has definitely changed 
over the six years they are in power except the dual status on the law and 
order front a sobriquiet it has  earned of being the rape capital of  India.   
The economic down turn since March 2020 is  clearly a pointer that stability is 
the norm  and thats it.   
Now AAP being in the State for well over 5  years now .... the first  sight of 
"topiwallahs' with even the Goan made to wear a "topi ' did cause an 
undercurrent among the Opinion Poll voters for though they still  admire   Shri 
Arvind Kejriwal  ,,.. the fear that a victory to AAP then would result in 
revival of the mergerist  proposal caused the uncertainity .  Ofcourse not all 
crowds can be converted into votes. Moreover the AAP failed miserably at 
selecting the candidates  then and those who had not even learnt to swim in 
their bath tubs, or those rejected by the voters  alone were chosen as 
potential candidate.. This  writer had pointed out to  Mr. Arvind Kejrival  
following a one to one meet at  Our Lady of Grace Church Hall Margao   on the 
evening of 24 August 2016   that AAP would lose its deposits in March 2017 
Assembly Elections and it happened.   
Mr. Sisodia should have also realised that post Manohar G P Parrikar and 
emergence of  Dr Pramod  Sawant  an offspring of  a  migrant  family  now 
domiciled in Goa for well  over  50 years had ruffled the aspiration of the 3 % 
GSBs   because  Dr Sawant began the purge of this community wittingly or 
unwittingly beginning   with  the then Adv Atmaram Nadkarni and later began to 
clean the stable of his legislative party  by unseating from his cabinet Mr 
Rohan Khaunte Independent MLA Porvorim Mr Vijay Sardessai MLA Goa Forward Party 
Fatorda Mr. Sudin Dhavalikar MLA MGP MadkaiAND cleverly left the INC with only 
the last 5 in the opposition headed by  Mr Digamber Kamat INC MLA  Margao as 
LOO .by getting a sizeable INC,  Independent  and MGP, MLAs on to his 
It may be of interest to note that  being just  3 percent of the population the 
GSB, Bhat Brahmans  had  also coveted   every Govt job and ensured the Govt    
became a   bastion for their relatives and wives  only.  To reaffirm  this 
charge Mr Sisodia should boldly announce that AAP will contemplate giving only 
ONE JOB PER FAMILY ' which was there some time back, and the entire citadel of 
AAP will collapse and vanish.  Among  industries it is Zuari Agro Chemicals 
which under the then trade union leader Mr L Faleiro now INC introduced one job 
for family there.   
The present AAP cleverly ousted Mr  Elvis  Gomes and ex govt employee who quit 
to be projected as the CM candidate  but lost miserably  and  is now relegated  
 to grass root level and apparently  finally left out in the cold.   
Now the  Mahambres,  Tilves, &  Vinayak Naik actually Nayak ( a self confessed 
beef eater he made this statement at a public meet on Lohia Maidan) GSBs .   
They despite being  just 3% of the 15 lac odd population of Goa  are the 
supporters of Konkani only in 'nagari script  who  had cunningly inserted in 
the Official language bill passed on   4 Feb 1987 the words ...in devanagari 
script....which has alienated the 27% Catholic community in Goa  from the 
language of their mother tongue Konkani which is spoken written also  used in 
cultural purposes and even on the electoral or public notices till this date 
with phonetic adopting the English script not "nagiri."   
They have also apparently  fooled AAP Mr Sisodia to have a Chair for  Konkani 
(in nagari script )  in Delhi University so that language does not become an 
issue at the March 2022 Goa Assembly Elections.   
So AAP should read this writing on the wall or they suffer another electoral 
debacle at the hustings.and may have to pack up lock stock and barrel and 
restrict themselves to  National Capital Territory and New Delhi .   
Traditionally in  Parliamentary politics the South Goa District is a bastion of 
the GSB - Catholic combine as if made for each other ...albeit religious 
tolerance not to be mistaken for communal harmony and the North Goa District  
Bahujan  samaj - non Brahmin community  The last embers of the MGP Bahujan  
samaj - non Brahmin community is now headed by the Bhat Brahmin brothers  and 
have their base restricted  to  a few pockets in about 3 four constituencies.   
Is the voter in Goa to assume that with the INC now literrally headless moreso 
post 2nd May 21 will the AAP replace the INC vote bank will the be able to wind 
up the regional outfits with a quid pro qua deal?   
  Both Kejriwal and Sisodia should have taken pains to understand the ground 
reality in Goa before making the announcement that they will go it alone. The 
last nail in the coffin will be immediately after the announcement of the CM 
candidate. Once bitten twice shy and Elvis Gomes blunder hope does not get 
repeated. With many resignations of past AAP members who were starved for funds 
....and the new regional groups of civil society trying to test their prowess 
at the hustings over the emotive support not votes against the three linear 
projects which will with genuine grievances sorted see the light of the day  
the AAP needs to redraw their plans on the drawing tables.   
How many seats has it contested in ZP and Municipal elections and won on the 
party ideology or was it a case of the right candidate who earned it on its own 
charisma at the ZP elections in Benaulim only a restrospection will answer 
this.  And why did AAP not take this opportunity at least  for a litmus test in 
the 23 April 21  of  5 Municipal body polls forllowing the judgement of the SC 
on delimitation?   
Godfrey J I Gonsalves cyber journo social activist Borda  Margao Goa   
+91 9822158584 (24 hrs) gonsalvesgodfre...@yahoo.co.in

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