Elvidio Miranda
As the number of Covid-19 new cases spurted in India to an all-time high in any 
country at 3.16 lakh cases and the number of fatalities reached 2,102, here is 
a word of encouragement for all our countrymen that they should fight the 
spread of the novel coronavirus by sprinkling a bit of empathy to the people 
around us despite social distancing. Step your vigilance and awareness against 
contracting Covid-19 by one notch up by observing SOPs.  We are now in a 
situation wherein it is a matter of great doubt if lock down should be imposed, 
because should a lock down be imposed movement will be severely restricted and 
the daily necessities of working and earning could be ground to a halt. So the 
best way forward would be to take all precautions and carry on life by 
resorting to wholesomeness. Now and then indulge in acceptable degree of luxury 
to break the monotony of having to think that you have been denied of some 
entertainment. It would be best if each one taking into consideration those 
around you would be behaving in a prudent and safe manner that does not promote 
the spread of the pandemic that has left us devoid of normal life. Last year, 
being a leap year, the Olympics were supposed to be held in Tokyo, but it has 
been postponed to this year and let us hope that the games which is a 
celebration of the glorious feats of athletes will be a roaring success and 
will light up our lives as we watch new records being set. Let us collectively 
fight this life and death situation with great vigour and discipline, so that 
we shall be able to surmount this most dangerous situation. It is only when you 
reach the brink that you can step away from the abyss and this is exactly the 
situation we have to confront to fight against and succeed in taming this 
horrendous disease. Tough times demands tough measures and this is the time for 
everyone to contribute his or her mite in the quest to rid us of this deadly 
disease. Together we can triumph against all odds.

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