On Friday, April 23, 2021, 07:14:16 a.m. CDT, V M <vmin...@gmail.com> wrote:

Indians started mixing widely and
playing down the threat also because there is an unfounded sense among
a large number of Indians that exposure to pollution and microbes had
endowed them with superior immunity. It was inevitable the virus would
roar back.”


In his New York Times opinion piece, Laxminarayan asked, “Can India
get out of the current situation?” Then he answered his own question.
“India no longer has the option of another national lockdown because
of the crushing effect on the economy, but more local and state
lockdowns are likely. Indians will have to self-protect, and the
Indian government needs to urgently send out consistent messages about
the seriousness of the disease.”


Nice article, VM.

Stupidity is not limited to the semi-educated Indian. Semi educated  E. 
Africans have been claiming for the past year that playing in the mud as 
children has given them immunity to Covid 19. Facebook is now removing all 
those with that claim from its platform - but the damage has been done.

Secondly, leaders have to lead by example. The previous administration in the 
US did not urge people to wear masks, etc and the number of Covid cases 
increased daily. All that changed when the new administration assumed office. 
They appeared with masks at every opportunity and the Covid cases dropped 


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