Covid ravages rural India
The Govt of India policy of emphasis of health development in Urban areas
has backfired under this pandemic The hospitals etc are concentrated in
Urban centres and serve rich and wealthy, who can afford.The rural areas
even the Primary health care is dismal  where large population resides. It
is now relevant that the district and village level neglected health
 system need to be strengthened
India is living in denial about crisis penetratin rural areas rapidly. The
infrastructure is woefully inadequate. T he last years budget is fudging of
figures without an appreciable  increase allocations for health care, when
the warning was looming over the last one year There is total
misinformation  in the grid about efficacy of vaccine, testing, fear of
deaths in hospitals  quarantine,stigma attached etc .The fire fighting
,emergency  approach to change the attitudes and behaviour of rural folks
is an uphill task.  The communities  have to be involved and taken into
confidence The emphasis on para  medicals, footsoldiers, health workers
has been neglected thus far.The infrastructure is woefully inadequate and
primary health care neds a  big push up.The surge and deaths is rising in
rural areas at an alarming rate.
Rural India is what matters not concentrations in urban settings for the
rich and wealthy

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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