Our Supreme Court stepped in a bit too late in the current COVID crisis.
For reasons best known to Sharad Arvind Bobde who retired as Chief Justice
of India (CJI) last month he chose to remain a passive spectator as the
current pandemic was evolving into a full blown national disaster. He is
now answerable only to God.

When a government of the day fails or falters, the Judiciary must swiftly
and decisively step in, but Justice Bobde miserably abdicated this bounden
responsibility to timely intervene which may have prevented this calamity
from ebbing to the current devastating state of affairs. Many lives could
have been possibly saved. Today we are in a horrifying situation across the
country which is partly on account of the failure of the authorities to
work in coordination in dealing with the pandemic. Across the states no
preventive measures were taken to prevent the spread while there were
violations galore of the laid down norms.

Now that the Supreme Court is seriously seized of the matter, the
government has to explain and justify the steps being taken to combat the
virus and measures to save the lives of people who are dying also due to
lack of oxygen and other medical facilities.

CJI S.A. Bobde retired after a controversial tenure alike his two
predecessors Ranjan Gogoi and Dipak Misra. The nation looks forward that
our new Chief Justice N.V. Ramana will take radical and remedial measures
to uplift the Judiciary whose Independence over the last few years has been
undoubtedly severely dented.  Out Constitution is very clear on distinct
roles of the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. It envisages a free,
fair and independent Judiciary. The highest standards of judicial
independence must be ensured by warding off even the faintest trace of
governmental influence on the judiciary. The Judiciary will now have to
reassert itself very firmly against the Government’s acts of omission and

The BJP while in the Opposition had demanded that judges must not be given
post-retirement appointments at least for two years but once in Power have
miserably failed to walk that talk.

It was a black day in 2014 when the BJP appointed P. Sathasivam as Governor
of Kerala within just four months of his retirement as Chief Justice
sending out a very wrong message. More recently Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi
within four months after retirement was nominated member of the Rajya Sabha
and had claimed he would be the voice of Judiciary in the Upper House of
Parliament. Could he please enlighten us as to what over the last more than
one year has been his contribution in the Rajya Sabha towards raising
issues pertaining to the Judiciary?

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



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