The fangs of death
They are more deadly and poisonous then the bite of Cobra
Loss of property, business  , material wealth  can be replaced,
regained,but many commit suicide  and destroy themselves  in pursuit of
lost empire of happiness.There are others who will bounce back with
detremination and courage and not just sit like  a recluse with folded arms
.Such success stories are  a legend
Loss of life is entirely on a different plane.The  loss of a total unknown
stranger does not evoke much sentiment.It is just another stastistic. These
numbers of dead are of  daily ocurrence and yet it does not touch or evoke
any sympathies.The Loss  of friend, acquaitance ,colleague,rattles us.We
express condolences and convey our deep feelings to the family and all
concerned .We go a step further attend  funeral rites and follow the
rituals and customs associated with the departed and those living.Spititual
solace  is  a special balm of consolation that relieves  the pain of
suffering mourners.The incident is not a speed breaker on our own ward
journey, but a momentary pause to recoup our sagging spirits of despair
The loss of immediate  member of our own family is  catastrophic
ocassion.It is like amputation of the limb ,an eathquake that shatters
family relations and rocks the foundation of family unity and togetherness
It cannot be rebuilt even over time. In fact the passage of time the wound
may get healed  but the scar of togethernes is a lifelong experience of
torture and agony and can only rest with us in the grave  It does not
matter whether it is husband  ,wife, daughter or son  ,grand parent or even
an unborn child.The agony is aggravated by our closeness and intimate
relationships  with the missing
The pining and longing continues unabated Miniscule few can adjust and bear
the pain
Others resort cowardly to end life with suicide ,resort to drugs, alcohol
live the life of  a recluse, abandon zest for living and prepare  or live a
living death.They ignore that living are more important than dead
The act of selflagelation is a cruel way to seek redress.The attempt to
seek justification is always in vain. To the numerous questions posed
there is no answer of satisfaction or justification of death at any
stage.Old may have lived long enough, the sick and suffering are
relieved,the lonely and abandoned are no  more  a burden ,those who are
afflicted with incurable diseases or terminal patients are merciful for end
in disguise.Bedridden  patalysed in vegetative stage pray for departure.We
all know that everyone living must die someday.It is natural  and universal
truth.Yet we are loath to accept the truth and reality. Why some will leave
at different stages of life is iuncertain, specially unborn souls. Who
questions a gardener for plucking  mangoee,or flowers  for different
purposes and leave some on the plant.His act is absolute desire  , no one
to answer for.We are likely to attribute  pur misfortune to fate, destiny,
Divine plan  ,or that whom God wants die young  ,or  that will meet after
life are fads and are means to get some  mental satisfaction. The idea of a
curse of alleged assumptions of misdeeds torments some. As self
accusations, sufferrings are believed to be course correction, retributions
for wayward life is a harmful  guilt complex .Doubts like Thomas are
inevitable  human trait that needs to be controlled.Job in the Bible was
physically tormented to test his faith and was blessed a thousand folds for
his faith in the midst of unbearable adversities.. Sufferings are meant to
be purification of the soul,or a pause button to asses our
life.Philosophy   that unless the seeds die, it will not be reborn to yield
multiple harvest .The quest for heaven, the gateway is death.Imagine  the
burden of eternal living, if death was not a escape
Whatever be the answer ,loss of family member shatters the mind and
ruptures our heart.
May be the only way we touch our loved ones  is through spiritual route,
because it is the bitcoin that is operative in the realms of heaven
 Accept the reality of death, adjust and rest our life as it is beyond our
finite  mind to fathom the  mystery and reasons of death.None can be hired
or paid to bear the pain of death it is approval experience.Our tradition
and custom to appease the soul or convey our state of sadness to others may
have some effect..Involve in productive, constructive  activities   ,
hobbies,join  social organisations,prayer groups etc that will bring peace
to the tormented mind and a little sunshine and joy on the horizon of
depressed living through sublimation and elevated  thoughts.
God Divine faced death too  but the glory of resurrection  is hope that
assures ,guarantees eternity. Denial of pleasures of living will not
alleviate the  state of dead  ,as they are immune to such practices and
earthly  thoughts and practices
Follow the ideals, practice the path,   see the silver lining in New life
of torture of mourning and recall relieve the happy moments of shared
joys.Our mind should be a fountain of positive acceptance and countless
blessings of togetherness however transient  in nature
Good things like bad ones do not last forever.The cycle will repeat itself
in nature at periodic intervals without consent or warning
As sadness and happiness alternate  ,time and world never haults
due to any incident that is disastrous  or otherwise. Goodness of doing
good is not business for return favours for then it will not be kindness
Nelson Lopes
Chinchinim  9850926276

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