Less than a month after Palanivel Thiagarajan became M.K.Stalin’s finance
minister in the new Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam government in Tamil Nadu, the
legislator from Madurai has attracted huge national attention, including an
ardent following in Goa.

The 55-year-old’s unexpected notoriety in India’s smallest state erupted
last weekend, after its transport minister Mauvin Godinho complained to the
media that Thiagarajan “insulted the people of Goa" at the national Goods
and Services Tax (GST) Council meeting on 28 May, where the two represent
their states.

Those allegations probably reached Thiagarajan just a few hours later,
because at 1.25am on Sunday, he tweeted, “Full Statement coming. For now,
let me say enduring the noise from this empty vessel y’day was worst
TORTURE of my political career." Then, at 9.36am, he unleashed an
extraordinary ‘Statement to the People of Goa’ that has few—if
any—precedents in contemporary Indian history. Ornamented by an
entertainingly idiosyncratic syntax, it was sub-titled, “The Hallmark of
Character is Consistency in one’s principles, even at a cost" and “Empty
vessels make the most noise." It directly addressed the people who Godinho
purports to represent: “I have done you no harm. In fact, I have strongly
advocated for your State Government’s rights."

But that was not all.

Evincing the spirit of transparency and candour, Thiagarajan informed Goan
voters that Godinho’s statements on their behalf had been “highly
repetitive, largely vacuous, hectoring, mostly redundant to others’ inputs,
supercilious, and devoid of the basic courtesy of assuming good faith in
the comments of other states’ Ministers." He said, “The only question
arising from your transport minister’s press conference is whether he is
limited in comprehension, in honesty, or both, [but] if doubt lingers, I
add that he was vociferously, and repeatedly, against lowering the GST on
COVID-related Drugs & Vaccines from 5% to 0% on humanitarian grounds."

Thiagarajan proceeded to “offer you my sincere condolences, for having such
a person as your Minister. I also charge the Hon’ble CM of Goa with
perpetrating a misdemeanour on Goa’s citizens, and the GST Council, by
nominating him to represent your beautiful state. Finally, I sincerely
request the [Bharatiya Janata Party], even across the political divide, to
impose some minimal quality control on its ‘MLA Acquisition’ procedures. If
it had done so, Goa, and the Nation would be saved a lot of pain."

Immediately after this spectacular takedown appeared online, Goa’s social
media erupted with delight which still hasn’t quite subsided. Even more
telling, says Valmiki Naik of the fledgling Aam Aadmi Party Goa, “is the
fact that not a single one of Godinho’s own colleagues in the government or
party has come to his defence."

An earnest 40-something, Naik has twice gamely contested—and badly
lost—elections for Panjim, the pocket-sized capital of Goa that was
previously represented by Manohar Parrikar, India’s former defence minister
whose personality continues to dominate state politics even after his 2018

At this point, he says, “We have a democratically elected government only
in name, but in reality it is more of a confederacy of individual satraps.
Godinho, and most of his colleagues, are quasi-kings in their
constituencies, where elections are a mere formality. All of them joined
the BJP for the sole purpose of being in power. And Manohar Parrikar
enabled this structure, where anyone is welcome as long as they brought
enough MLAs for him to become chief minister."

For most of his career, Parrikar managed to keep this deck of wild cards
under control. But once he fell ill, chaos ensued, and then accelerated
into a nightmare of misgovernance during the covid pandemic. Naik says,
“For me, the absolute nadir was on 13 May, when the high court bench said,
‘We are very sorry’ for oxygen-related deaths. Most high courts around the
country have rapped the state, or even the Centre, and whipped them into
action. But in Goa, even the high court gave up on our government knowing
how completely useless and incompetent it is."

But that was only the latest high court warning about this Goa
administration’s failure to work for the public interest.

In an especially vivid 2018 ruling on mining, for example, the justices
said, “We are surprised at the vehemence at which the State has asserted
the right of the mining lease holders in these proceedings. The State must
keep in mind that it acts as a trustee of the people for the natural
resources. In discharge of this duty, it has to keep the interest of the
citizens at heart as the first priority." They ruefully concluded, “We had
to literally push the State to do something to alleviate the suffering of
the innocent mining affected. This sharp contrast in respect of the two
ends of mining spectrum [is] too stark for us not to notice. We write it
here because it pains our conscience."

There is a direct connection between those judicial statements and what
Thiagarajan has exposed so sensationally in Godinho’s actions. Naik says:
“It is unconscionable that Goa’s minister actually opposed the GST waiver
on covid essentials such as vaccines, medicines, and oxygen concentrators,
that make the difference between life and death. Such a decision should
have been unanimous. But our government, along with the Centre, did not
want to miss an opportunity to tax the highest selling goods at the moment,
and continue to suck the common man dry."

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