In Message, six dated 4 Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2021 21:51:55 +0530  on the
Subject: Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] How to manipulate an election....
Message-ID:  WITH THE ID         <CAK=O5ObTJuLk+vEdeLo75_1Xb8X=>

This individual on A Subject of Public Concern . viz <<<  How to manipulate
an election....>>> reveals how serious the position is in India and even
states I quote <<<<<There's also that small matter of the 19 lakh "missing"
EVMs of 2019. >>>>

QUOTO  again >>>> My gut feeling is, those missing EVMs are being
judiciously used.>>>>End Quote ......Wow this is a serious gut rot
problem.or even a more serious GUT KNOT issue. Call a medical Specialist
from GMC.and if the latter  a Hari-Curry expert from Japan, WW II vintage
would be most helpful.

After fully identifying himself/herself and offering us all Best Wishes
then adds:

QUOTE <<<<<Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail transmission may contain
confidential or legally privileged information that is intended only for
the individual or entity named in the e-mail address. If you are not the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying,
distribution, or reliance upon the contents of this e-mail is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail transmission in error, please
reply to the sender so that we can arrange for proper delivery and then
delete the message from your inbox. Thank you.>>>>END QUOTE

I have been informed that the WEST BENGAL Govt. has created a Bengal
Special Unit (BSU), they are easily recognizable   they wear Orange Colour
Jump Suits, made in Netherlands. Their job is to capture individuals in Goa
and Texas ....and bring them to Bengal. They will be locked with a Bengal
Tiger. This Tiger is related to the one found recently ..a 200 lb fellow
found by an armed cop in Texas !!!! Mervyn do you know anything about this
???? This is an Elephantine Problem....

Have a good WORKING WEEK .....I will rush to consult Mr Stick in the Law
School  and also ask Greg for additional security to protect myself from
the BSP.....

Grandolfo in Makongo Juu

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