Earlier this week on June 15, the academic and author Chinmay Tumbe posted
some alarming findings on Twitter. He wrote: “We now have decent estimates
of excess mortality for [the] first five months of 2021 for 4 large states
(Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka) comprising around
300 million people and 21% of Indian population. Excess mortality in these
4 large states exceeds 500K compared to 46K reported Covid deaths.”

Those are stunning numbers, implying that India has suffered at least ten
times as many losses as officially acknowledged from Covid-19’s devastating
“second wave.” That is by far the highest death toll of any country in the

Tumbe also tweeted ruefully, “It is a matter of national shame that 1.5
years after the pandemic started, NO Indian state govt. has systematically
released its all-cause death registration statistics on a
daily/weekly/monthly basis. Still time to do the right thing. Which will be
the first state to do this?”

These are not abstract concerns, because good and reliable data are the
bedrock of effective public health systems.

It’s an ancient principle. As far back as the 4th century BCE, the Mauryan
jurist and philosopher Kautilya (popularly called Chanakya) wrote in his
*Arthashastra*, “Any doctor who is called to a house to treat a severely
wounded person or one suffering from unwholesome food or drink shall report
the fact to the ‘gopa’ and the ‘sthanika’. If he makes a report he shall
not be accused of any crime; if does not, he will be charged with the same
offence (which he helped to conceal).

That quote serves as epigraph for Chinmay Tumbe’s concluding chapter in his
excellent 2020 book, *The Age of Pandemics 1817-1920: How They Shaped India
and the World*, which explores relevant lessons from previous global public
health disasters and their implications for our collective Covid-19

“In order not to look bad, there is a clear incentive for politicians to
take measures to downplay pandemic deaths,” writes Tumbe. That makes
matters worse, so “it is imperative, therefore, to heed Kautilya’s advice
on obtaining as much medical information from the field as possible, and
also doing the best for your citizens, within and outside, irrespective of
the numbers. In doing so, politicians face many risks. But by not acting
soon and wisely, pandemics can claim several lives and careers, including
those of politicians.”

It is how democracy is meant to work. However, starting from the top,
India’s prevailing model of governance displays an overwhelming preference
for denial and obfuscation to anything resembling accountability.

When in doubt, the leadership always tries to suppress and subvert
information that might lead to uncomfortable conclusions. These tendencies
were always problematic, but the systematic, knee-jerk, fudging of pandemic
facts has resulted in catastrophe.

Just one example was exposed by the *Times of India* this week, which found
that at least 100,000 fake antigen and RT-PCR tests for Covid-19 were
“conducted” during the Kumbh festival in Haridwar, now acknowledged to be
one of the crucial “super-spreader” events that triggered India’s
overwhelming current crisis.

Why it happened is obvious: faking the facts allowed New Delhi and the
Kumbh organizers to claim the event was safe to visit (of these 100,000
made-up test results only 0.18% were said to be positive) which allowed it
to proceed even after becoming a lightning-rod for criticism from around
the world.

To achieve that duplicitous end, astonishingly crude fraudulent means were
unleashed: fake phone numbers and addresses, one single-use antigen kit
listed with 700 results, 530 samples reported from one family home.
Uttarakhand’s own health department figured out something was wrong when it
discovered that “when sample collectors were contacted, half of them were
from Rajasthan, many of them were students [and] many had never been to

What has been learned from this embarrassment? Will there be any political
cost to these kinds of shenanigans, accompanied by hollow triumphalism, in
the face of an essentially uncontrolled public health fiasco? When will
India’s 21st-century leadership take note of Kautilya’s wise dictums from
over 2000 years ago?

Earlier this month, when Narendra Modi addressed the nation via television,
he said, “We have to remember that the speed of vaccination in India is
still very fast in the world, faster than in many developed countries. Our
technology platform CoWIN is also being discussed all over the world. Many
countries have also shown interest in using this platform.”

Those comments were put into perspective by Kaushik Basu, the former chief
economist of the World Bank, who wrote on Twitter, “Difficult to understand
India's slippage on so many fronts. In terms of % population
fully-vaccinated, 24 May: 75 nations were ahead of India. 1 June: 81 were
ahead. Today's data: 89 are ahead of India. India has only 3.5%
fully-vaccinated. Happens when politics is everything.”

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