There are 4 pillars of Democracy, each powerful in thier own right to make and 
enforce just laws with checks and balances. They all swear to uphold the 
Constitution, but today with misusing draconian laws and those elected to serve 
turning Rulers, the citizens has to face the might of their government if they 
dare criticize/ give an opinion  or do anything contrary to the government 
narrative. The French government has opened up an enquiry into the Rafael deal  
which was blocked there as has also been done in India. We are told the Supreme 
Court(SC) has given a clean chit, matter closed. The SC is not an investigative 
agency and how HAL was dumped for Anil Ambani in the deal and vital clauses 
allegedly removed in signing the deal is intriguing! No one is discussing 
accountability or judicial enquiries into vaccine procurement delay, oxygen and 
ventilator bungles, record of actual figures of deaths. The arrest, treatment 
in jail of frail Alzeimer suffering 84 year old Fr Stan Swami, application of 
draconian UAPA so guilty unless proved innocent without trial, no bail, and his 
death in custody in our Democracy shows up inhumanity of the State machinery 
and is not something we can be proud of! 

When a politician or ruling party member is seen on TV clearly inciting 
communal hatred and using foul language and digital evidence is handed over to 
authorities, the immediate allegation is it is doctored/fake and forensic 
investigation required. Fr Stan was arrested on digital evidence which he 
denied and UAPA was slapped on him, judicial custody, never questioned during 
incarceration and all his questions to them unanswered. Now expert forensic 
evidence indicates Bima Koreagaon accused intellectuals and others had their 
computers hacked and evidence planted! If there is no full fleged judicial 
inquiry into the actions of the various arms of the state that led to the 
viscious persecution and inhuman behavior, and those who had a hand in it in 
the midst of a pandemic leading to Fr Swamy's death get exemplary punishment, 
then justice and democracy are on the road to perdition in our country!

Does government realize with dirty politics, it is bending rule of law and 
lying even in courts, openly stated by Justice J.R. Midha in the Delhi High 
Court stating this and also that it has been going on with impunity! Government 
are corrupting the people who will eventually loose complete trust in it.  The 
said Justice also requested that government frame a policy to hold officers 
accountable like Sikkim and Haryana have!That the government cares least for 
the common man is seen in the soaring prices of petrol, LPG, essentials, state 
of roads and civic amenities, children's plight for education etc. The people 
need to deeply introspect into what kind of India we want!

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