Election fever
Close to election times there  is a flurry of activities  by spirited
individuals ,groups and nascent bodies.They raise a feverish pitch hoping
to impress the voters with much needed change.They see hope on the horizon
and strength of youth to carry on campaign.Indian politics is entrenched in
money and muscle power.They use the systems  with doles  schemes to keep
gullible voters  as bonded political slaves.They cultivate,nurse and
sustain them with personal needs that matter most of the time.The
politicians thus ensure  vote banks that will see them through.Money,
drinks  goddies will flow blinding them momentarily  to sell their vote and
conscious too
How do we account the same people inspite of all the propaganda  winning
again anf again  almost for  a life time
The illgotten wealth is stacked  for a rebound. Those few who are genuinely
concerned are to few to make the dent
The garbage will be recycled as new wine in old bottle.The youth of today
can make the perceptible change for better, but their energies  need to be
chanelised, focussed and be purposive
The attempts and efforts
must besustained  over long period.They are too busy with their careers and
education to afford the luxury of campaigns without finances. Political
diehards dream about their wins  day in dayout.There is no other profession
that gives  them a lifetime  high intoxicated  with the politics, power and

Nelson Lopes   Chinchinim

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