How sound are these testing facilities, and what is the basis of the reports we 
see. I see “no deaths” or “2 deaths”.  Something strange going on. 

Bernice Pereira

Sent from my iPhone

> On 22-Jul-2021, at 11:51 AM, Nelson Lopes <> wrote:
> Oxygen related deaths
> There was panic all over India over scarcity of liquid oxygen.The donors
> around the world including Concerned Indians Shipped Concentrators and even
> oxygen plants THE custom duty was also  waived  The supply outstretched
> demand and hospitals all over India were helpless to help  needy patients
> to breathe.Many died waiting outside hospitals on stretchers, ambulances.
> Including many  admitted in hospitals. It  was a pathetic affair none had
> foreseen or planned.India  unmindfully exported oxygen stocks.
> It was centres responsibility for supplies  and state responsibility to
> distribute judiously The blame game is being continously shifted
> Now another bloomer adding salt to the wounds.No deaths reported
> officially  to centre due to oxygen  deficiency. It is the case with  18
> BJP ruled states also  though Delhi alone is  selectively being flogged  to
> divert attention  It is finally concluded that the  ICRM form for reporting
> deaths does not have provisions for oxygen deficiency  mortality.The centre
> on mere technicality  released the statistics without applying its mind or
> bothering to verify the  known real truth
> Can the states now be requested  to resubmit corrected deaths due to oxygen
> deficiency, so that India has exact numbers and can better be prepared in
> supplies to state and augument production on scale needed  to meet any
> future eventuality
> For the centre to sp read such lies does  not suit well in the  public well
> recorded  proofs.The countless poor who were suffocated at homes unable to
> get medical help are not even factored.The deaths due to covid in India are
> grossly underestimated due to varioys reasons and may not be concluded as
> deliberate to hide the facts
> Nelson Lopes  Chinchinim

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