
#1) Can you extrapolate further on your insightful comments:

"I am convinced that inspite of being educated many posters here Condone pedophilia"

Who are these posters you refer to? And how did you come to this rabid conclusion?

#2) Furthermore, to put your comments into context/perspective, it would help if you include a weblink to the original comments when you copy-paste content from other websites. For eg.

#3) Proof of objectivity:

"Maybe the persecution of catholics in india is just like the persecution of hindus during Inquisition or the forced conversions". "For someone who is objective, there are very good reasons why the missionaries in India are getting a raw deal".

Are your reasons similar or identical as to why Muslims in India are getting a raw deal? That is if you agree they are getting a raw deal. Is your point of reference the Battle of Panipat, just about after the Portuguese arrived in Goa?

- Bosco

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