Aug 3

Some weeks ago, a young couple I know well (you know who you are) joined
another family, friends of theirs, for a week-long sojourn aboard a small
catamaran, roaming the waters around the Florida Keys. Good time was had by
all, evidently.

Though there was an unexpected encounter with ... sharks.

Well, scientists who work with sharks.

Take a look:

See YOU in the Keys someday soon...



In the Florida Keys, a chance encounter and a shark named Rohan

There is today, in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, a young male nurse
shark that may answer to the name of "Rohan". He is named for a boy from
California whose mother recently leaped off a catamaran to check on a
marine biologist who ... well, let's back up a bit.

Rohan's mother is Dr Latha Palaniappan. Their family, along with two
friends, vacationed for a week recently on a catamaran out of Key West,
Florida. Captain Corky and his wife Sue operate these excursions for small
groups, snorkeling and birdwatching and generally nosing around the tiny
islands that trail west off the tail of Florida's keys. And for most of the
week, they were beyond cellphone reach. If it sounds idyllic, accounts the
vacationers later sent only underlined that: clear waters, lazy days,
spectacular fish for the snorkelers, sunset drinks and Sue's fabulous meals
on board.

70 miles west of Key West is the Dry Tortugas National Park, a sprinkling
of sandy islands that barely rise above the waves - some have even
disappeared and reappeared over and over again. The largest is home to the
enormous Civil War-era Fort Jefferson. It was later used as a prison;
famously, one of the conspirators in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln,
Samuel Mudd, was incarcerated here. No prisoners these days, just
occasional campers from the mainland who have to carry food and water along
with their gear; or occasional catamaran-types who anchor offshore for a
day or two.

Latha and Rohan and company spent a sunny day exploring the Fort and
walking the beach. That evening, sated and happy, they sat in the
catamaran, nursing drinks, chatting and planning the rest of the vacation.
Sue was in the kitchen, pulling together another splendid dinner ...

... and out of the blue, a boat pulls up alongside. A voice calls through
the dusk: "Is there a doctor on board?" That there is. Latha is an
internist and medical researcher and among many other things, spent a year
working with Médecins Sans Frontières in East Timor ( She vaults over the side
and onto the other boat. They turn and speed to the Tortugan shore.

There on the beach, when Latha disembarks, is a tall man. His name is Wes
Pratt and he is a marine biologist ( He and
several colleagues spend weeks at a time on these islands, studying sharks.
Though right now, sharks are very far indeed from their minds, for tall Wes
is lying on the sand in a faint. He had been out in a kayak all day, and
the fierce Gulf sun had got to him. No surprise: in the long afternoons at
this time of year, a thermometer in the Dry Tortugas can rise to 32
Celsius. A full day of that can knock anyone out.

Also present is a nurse, the mother in a family of campers on the island.
Latha is grateful for the help. They check Wes's pulse (high) and blood
pressure (low), then revive him and get him upright. Wes throws up. Latha
says that at this point she realized she would need from him some details
about his medical history and habits, and that this should be done in
private. So she and the nurse shoo away the others and spend a quiet
half-hour or so with Wes. They decide that he won't need a medevac - a
helicopter from Key West or Miami - but he certainly needs a better diet
than the protein bars and water he seems to have been subsisting on. Fresh
fruits and vegetables, for sure.

Promising to check back the next day, Latha leaves Wes to rest and returns
to the catamaran. Rohan and company are fascinated by her story. Captain
Corky is particularly excited - he says he has never met a biologist. The
next morning, they all return to the island, bringing with them some of
their fruits and veggies. Latha is encouraged to find Wes is substantially

And while she again speaks with him in private, Wes's colleagues talk to
the rest of the catamaran folks about their research. Rohan is captivated.
All he knew about sharks before this day was, and I quote, "you should not
punch them if they attack you." But now these researchers have plenty to
say about the animals' natural behaviour, how they act around each other,
their eating habits and much more. They tag certain individuals to get an
idea of their movements and migration patterns. Rohan wants to know how you
tag a shark - simple, you attach the tag to its dorsal fin. "It's just
cartilage," says Rohan, "so it's like piercing your ear." Once that's done,
the shark sends the scientists location data for about 90 days, after which
the tag detaches itself and floats to the surface.

Latha and Wes join them; she is satisfied that he is recovering well. He
disappears into their living quarters and emerges with a book that features
their work - "Shark", by Brian Skerry. He scribbles a dedication: "For
Rohan, with my thanks for your interest in sharks and for having an AWESOME

Rohan is over the moon. And through the rest of their days on the
catamaran, he sees sharks everywhere: "a small one that swam under the
boat", "a 7-footer near a shipwreck at the Marquesas Keys", some that were
"hiding in the mangroves" there, and "a really fast one" somewhere he can't

Still later, Wes, now fully recovered and back to his beloved sharks,
writes Latha a note. "Today we caught and tagged our 15th shark," he says,
"a younger male [that we] named 'Rohan' this morning, hoping to inspire
your son."

Her son is certainly inspired. From that one nugget about not punching
them, he now knows also that they are not scared of humans, and not even
dangerous to humans. In his precious new book, he reads: "Shark's lives are
full of so much more nuance and wonder than many people realize; they're
intelligent animals with rich lives - not just predators to be feared."

Which may be why this 12 year-old says, and I quote: "If you are gentle
with them, they'll be gentle with you."

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
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