Dear Filo & George,
Warm thanks, Filo, for understanding  my viewpoint and explaining yours.
I am well aware that you & George have worked hard to elevate Fr Vaz to sainthood - whatever that means in the Euro scheme of things. You both went all the way to the Vatican to plead with the pompous white clerics to promote Vaz's cause but didn't get far enough. For the white guys in authority want first & foremost to assert their authority; the notion of humility & accommodation is alien to them. Did they care to learn Vaz's history, appreciate his toils in the colonial context & the Hindu-Buddhist culture of the region? File & George were regarded as mere supplicants and brown ones at that.

I'd like to comment here with fundamentals. Does the notion of sainthood have any intrinsic meaning? The holy white guys of Europe decided at some point that those individual Catholics who have in their adult life conformed to the rules of 'holiness' laid down by certain whites in authority need to be formally recognised as Saints. And a certain legal process was set up to this end. Curiously, the guys deciding on the merits of a candidate need not be themselves saints. They claimed that a heavenly fellow called the Holy Ghost guides them in their deliberations. Brown persons were reluctantly accepted as candidates for sainthood but they must be subject to the rules of the holy white guys in Rome.

So, Filo & George, Vaz was finally allowed to be a Saint by the Vatican. So what has he since done to make his presence felt and to help his Goan followers? Nothing, it seems. Where can he be contacted? And what's the point of promoting him to Patron Saint - a title invented by the holy whites of Rome?
 Is there an assurance that he will be more helpful as Patron?

 Let's be honest: how many Catholics believe in & bother with saints?
Indeed, how many care for this ritual called the Mass? The Whites tell us that Christ instituted the Mass.
 Did he? It's far from clear.
And in any case, how has Mass helped? Are Catholics likely to get more holy as a result of Mass attendance??
 Then there is this thing called Eucharist or Communion.
They are receiving the body & blood of Christ. They should be transformed.
Seems more like a Vampire ritual.

The priests & Bishops are supposed to celebrate Mass daily & receive the Eucharist. So what is the record of their behaviour?
Many have succumbed to sex abuse.
Ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick: He becomes the first U.S. cardinal and only the second U.S. bishop to be criminally charged with child sexual abuse. In addition to his alleged abuse of seminarians and priests, the ex-cardinal is accused of sexually abusing at least 13 children. See our detailed summary of the McCarrick case below.
As of July 2021, has identified 86 Catholic bishops worldwide accused publicly of sexual crimes against children and 42 Catholic bishops worldwide who have been accused publicly of sexual wrongdoing against adults only. The names of those accused of abusing minors are marked in red; those with names in black are accused of sexual abuse/sexual misconduct with individuals age 18 or older only.

Filo in her email commented:
"Where are the "Browns and Blacks" like Eddie? Do they raise money, send Petitions and sign Petitions, and support prizes and competitions as paths to recognition and for preservation of the memory of those who gave extraordinary service for mankind? Why don't they make Saints and Patron Saints, give Nobel Prizes and Pulitzer Prizes, have the Olympics, and other honors and competitions?"

Please, Filo, forget about Saints, petitions and such.
I'd like to suggest that you CONSIDER AN EDITORIAL JOB AT NCR, the premier Catholic weekly in the US and run by lily white Editors. I had asked the Chief Editor Heidi Schlumpf to recruit some Brown or Black. She did vaguely said she would but nothing happened. And I have tweeted a number of times. I'd like to take my suggestion further. I will write to NCR and ask them them that you are a well qualified candidate who has done doctoral studies including Theology.
Please agree to consider the position. Thereafter, I'll write to NCR .


 ------ Original Message ------
 From: "Filomena Giese" <>

 REPLY from Filomena Giese <

 I want to make  a few points in response to Eddie's post:
This post by Eddie is understandable. We are all against the injustices and cruelties of colonial conquest to gain territories and impose white superiority over native peoples, AKA "Browns and Whites" in Eddie's post.

1.But his objections to George and me trying to gain a high honor for one of us from the white order that reigns over the world, sounds a bit hollow from a Brown who left his native land where he should have stayed to better serve the interests of his own Brown people, instead of migrating to the capital of imperialism to fully enjoy the comforts and benefits of that imperialistic system.

2. Where are the "Browns and Blacks" like Eddie? Do they raise money, send Petitions and sign Petitions, and support prizes and competitions as paths to recognition and for preservation of the memory of those who gave extraordinary service for mankind?

Why don't they make Saints and Patron Saints, give Nobel Prizes and Pulitzer Prizes, have the Olympics, and other honors and competitions?

If Eddie can tell us where to apply for a similar high honor as "Patron Saint" to be given by Browns and Blacks, we'll be happy to apply for one for St. Joseph Vaz.

3. Until he and other Browns and Blacks can do that, we are left to participate in a white establishment system of publishing, movies, competitions, and honors and get the Nobel Prize of Sainthood, the Patron Saint title, for one of the most outstanding and brilliant Goans - not just most saintly - that ever lived.

My question to Eddie and those who think like him is: would you also tell Goans not to support a fellow Goan who is nominated for the Nobel Prize, because it is established and funded by whites, or compete in the Olympic Games which was established by whites?

We don't see any Browns and Blacks boycotting the Nobel Prize or the Olympic Games so far. Why should we boycott the "Patron Saint" honor for one of our own?

4. Another twist to this argument is that what we we're doing is getting the White Establishment to in effect honor and recognize the achievements of a Saint of Color:

By forcing the whites to recognize him, we're highlighting that they did the exact opposite of what he did, USE FORCE and CRUEL EXPLOITATION to spread the Gospel. He gave alms, he didn't touch or accept money even for Masses. Making him a "Patron Saint" brings to the world's attention that, unlike the whites, he came without arms and colonial power to plunder and kill, he recognized the high worth and civilization of us Browns and Blacks, our languages, our traditional names, our literature, our unique spiritual path of Yogic renunciation and Meditation, and integrated them into the Gospel message of unconditional love.

5. Thanks to Adolfo for saying that he cares for the memory of our Brown Saint Joseph Vaz and supports our initiative. My sister and I have been working for the just recognition of our Brown St. Joseph Vaz, and asked for recognition of his Goan Oratorian Companions, some Sri Lankan lay Catholics who helped him, our Martyrs of Cuncolim since 1978. George has worked with us since the year 2000 when we petitioned for his Canonization for the Grand Jubilee of Christendom in its 2000th Year. Jesuit Fr. Olvin Veigas S.J. from Mangalore has given his wholehearted help since 2016.

But there has been next to help and support from our fellow Brown Catholics.

It is very difficult because the main job of our own local Church leadership is to promote white saints. St. Joseph Vaz takes a back seat in their thinking and not the front seat in the brainwashing of the faithful.

It is very difficult to get a Brown saint recognized when the Goan faithful and other people of color are promoting white saints and models of sanctity and spirituality, celebrating their feasts with great gusto while ignoring our own Brown saints.

6. Eddie may not realize that until someone in the white leadership recognizes St. Joseph Vaz and tells the Browns and Whites that it's O.K. to venerate him as a Saint and a Patron Saint, our own Browns and Blacks won't recognize him either.

Eddie is blaming us, the only people trying to go against this system of brainwashing?

If we stopped promoting our Brown and Black Saints, where would they be? Where would we Brown and Black people like you and me be?

 Completely in the dustbin of history?

7. We have powers of observation and common sense. We observe that we can get recognition for St. Joseph Vaz only from the white system and establishment.

We can't get any recognition for St. Joseph Vaz from any Brown and Black quarters because none exists.

No Eddie d'Sa is going to stop us from getting that recognition and having his memory celebrated in the only system of world history we know.

8. Meanwhile we appeal to Goans to follow the response of Adolfo who gets the point, and support our Petition with Signatures from Goans worldwide.


 From: Eddie D'Sa <>

To: GOANET <>; George Pinto <>; Adolfo Mascarenhas <>

 Sent: Sunday, August 8, 2021, 10:54:17 AM PDT

 Subject: Re: Help a fellow Goan ...

 George wrote:

Help a fellow Goan, Saint Joseph Vaz, become the "Patron Saint of First

 Responders" during this pandemic and Covid crisis.

If you already signed the petition, thank you. If you have not, only 15

seconds of your time can help a fellow Goan. Please sign the petition to

 Pope Francis at this link (the petition is

 half-way down the page).

Your signature to our Petition - and your help in collecting signatures

today by forwarding to others and posting on social media - can make the

 difference as to whether or not Saint Vaz is made Patron Saint.

 We have petitioned Pope Francis, asking that St. Joseph Vaz be made

"Patron Saint of First Responders" because of his care of the abandoned

 victims of the smallpox epidemic in seventeenth century.

 I notice that Adolfo endorses your petition. I am afraid I don't.

This is 2021 and we (the Browns and Blacks) are still begging the (Holy)

 Whites for favours.

 And what pathetic favours! "Making Vaz Patron Saint of First


Who has cooked up this title? Hardly a Goan, I guess. Must be some Holy

 White guy.

 We Goans still seem helpless to move forward without approval from the

 Whites - even in the spiritual realm.

George & Adolf - let's drop our self-imposed inferiority . I say again -

 it is 2021.

Why are Goans still cowering before the Whites? They have become used to

 our subservience over the ages and expect the same attitude.

Take this Pope Francis fellow.. He claims to come from Argentina. He is

 merely an Italian who (or his ancestors) migrated to that region of

 South America for better prospects.

 And what did these Euro migrants do when they encountered the Natives

 (Indians they called them):

 They systematically slaughtered them, children and all - this is all

recorded by scientist Charles Darwin who was travelling in the region at

 the time.

Pope Francis should publicly tell us about the origins of Argentina and

 apologise but will he? These holy White s rarely do.

 For that matter, the US Anglos slaughtered some 50 million of the US

 Natives and then grabbed the entire land & turned it into Europe 2.

Please read the book "The New Age of Empire" by Prof K Andrews (2021) to

 learn more.

In Australia, the Anglos did the same thing: slaughtered the Natives and

 grabbed the whole continent.

 The Whites have always been driven by Greed and Racism.


   May I move on to the main Catholic periodicals of the West?

They are the National Catholic Reporter, a US weekly and the Tablet, UK


 I have been in touch with both and over the years I noticed that the

 Editorial Boards of both periodicals are entirely WHITE.

 For both, Catholic means white and mostly IRISH.

I have requested the Editors to recognise black and brown Catholics and

 appoint non-white editors but they won't even respond !!

The Tablet even calls itself an "International Catholic Weekly" - there

 is little international news in the weekly and I pointed this out but

 they are not moved and won't answer.

 And there is our George Pinto begging the Holy Whites in Rome to make

 our Fr Vaz a Patron Saint!!


 In conclusion, I 'd like to propose that GoaNet be re-structured into

 two Parts: Goa-based items (with the traditional nostalgic/historical

 Section) and a Section on items of interest to overseas Goans.

 Eddie D'Sa

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