The Congress in Goa with its current band of self seekers has oulived its
presence.No two Congress stalwarts see eye to eye .With many former CM and
new aspirants waiting in the wings, the battle for supremacy is anybodys
It is shocking and surprising  that 10 Congressmen have made
Honeymoon with BJP. Where are the voters concerns on the chess board of
politics of selfishness and personal ambitions
Follow the treachorous .leader like Pide Piper and get drowned. Just when
enthusiasm  was building up the Congress has thrown spanner to disrupt
popular ,rejuvenated mood.How the ex MLA of Velim constiuency with doubtful
antecedents found favour  with leaders without taking the voters into
confidence and secretively?  .Is it young blood  transfused , fortified
with  vitamins?.The statement that anyone is free to join Congress ,an open
invitation  to defectors with open arms   and what discretion will be used
to deny them?
It is a sure recipe for  disasters by dividing votes with BJP  block
remaining intact to tilt the scale   and damage  Congress for sure The
disatisfaction will be fuelled  to the hilt for  an advantage
There is disgruntlement  about the President  of local outfit.His
resignation is kept in hibernation and he continues as an  interim with
guns blazing ,baying for his outster.Pratima who had  been nursed,
promoted  all along, suddenly quit Congress without  notice and embraced
AAP without  bating an eyelid Where are the loyalties, principles ,
allegiance  of individuals towards the party. Now comes another bloomer
with Elvis being inducted at the fag end  to create confusion  among ranks
and file . Do we remember  that he  spoiled  the prospects  of Congress
win? There was already a favourable alternative  working adously,
cultivating support.Is the entry of Elvis is a  sort of counter weight to
Pratima?  How does Congress put its weight with habitual, unprincipled
candidates who are  at best self seekers?
The seniority and standing of Chidambaram will calm the storm  of open
defiance and bring order and discipline in the party to work cohesively as
a united force.The seniority, experience of new President will surely act
as a deterent of so called tall local minions  , who behave as owners of
Congress..Father and son due is spy who came from cold diverging  Congress
strategies to the opponents
The winability factor  and old fags will once again weigh heavily with
authority and old wine in  new bottle will  once emerge as solution
The bright prospects of Velim  , Cuncolim are far receeding on  the
horizon.Entry of  candidates with  doubtful track record of integrity will
not enhance the image of Congress.Entry of P.C at this crucial juncture
inspires  hopes and assurance to voters that better sense may prevail  and
voters cannot be taken for  granted on the board rooms of political
>From  past experience ,it is lull before the storn   and potential plans
after winning elections   with   fresh  permutations  and combinations
will surface ostensibly  for development of self mantra
How will PC prevent the post  malaise , the bane of Congress in Goa,as
obedience  last till results of elections

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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