It is a gala week for Indian kleptocrats, after finance minister Nirmala
Sitharaman announced an extraordinary 80 billion dollar privatization
programme encompassing 13 different sectors of the economy, including
stadiums, railways, airports, warehouses, housing, power lines, mobile
towers, coal mines, highways, and much more.

The greatest sell-off in the country’s history has the potential to be even
more far-reaching in significance than the wholesale capture of state
assets that occurred at the end of the Soviet Union in the 1990s.

At that time, the transition from Mikhail Gorbachev’s *perestroika* to
Boris Yeltsin’s roughly market-based free-for-all gave rise to monopolistic
oligarchs, and, inevitably, Vladimir Putin’s barely concealed “grand
bargain” that – according to Wikileaks revelations – foreign diplomats
openly acknowledge functions as “a mafia state.”

But the situation in India at the moment is even more dangerous, because
what happened in the debris of the USSR started from relative scratch,
amidst somewhat mitigated inequality.

Whereas the Indian fire sale will take place in pandemic circumstances,
when the balance of the political economy has already shifted heavily in
favour of a tiny fraction of special interests.

The fact is, in the last 12 months alone, an astonishing 50 new dollar
billionaires have officially emerged from India (according to the latest
Hurun Global Rich List, compiled in Beijing). According to that tally –
which surely leaves out many much less-documented fortunes – the country
now has 209 billionaires, third only to China and the USA.

These are people who have prospered during a global catastrophe, whose net
worth skyrocketed even as the national economy shrunk, during the same time
as the number of desperately poor people in the country has doubled.

All the gains of the past decade have gone to them, and now they will own
the most prized national assets as well.

There is doublespeak galore in the “National Monetization Pipeline” project
reports, starting from the name itself, which purposefully implies the mere
conveyance of assets rather than their peremptory disbursement.

The NITI Aayog strategists who came up with this nomenclature brainwave
also highly dubiously refer to peddling off the apex achievements of Indian
infrastructure as “brownfield assets.”

It is not an entirely original approach – although “brownfields” are
generally understood to be degraded, and often abandoned – but rather
misleading when referring to, for instance, the spectacular Konkan Railway,
the brilliant Mumbai airport, hundreds of thousands of kilometres of
optical fibre networks, or the Nehru stadium in New Delhi.

“The prime minister is in the process of selling the crown jewels of this
country,” said Rahul Gandhi after Sitharaman announced her plans, “It took
70 years to build this massive infrastructure. People’s money was involved
but now these are being sold to 3-4 people. As soon as these become
monopolies, employment opportunities would be shrunk. Small business,
medium business will not exist.”

Swiping back, the BJP’s own Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi (he is the Union Minister
for Minority Affairs) rather amusingly termed the Congress Party itself as
“a non-performing asset which has no value.”

Meanwhile, other opposition parties have joined the fray, including the
Trinamool Congress Party’s chief minister in West Bengal. Mamata Banerjee
called the BJP plans “a shocking and unfortunate decision. These are
national assets that belong to the country. These are not prime minister
Modi’s or the BJP’s assets. They are selling the country.”

This is an emotional approach. It has to be balanced with the reality of
India’s economy foundering badly, with the terminally sclerotic bureaucracy
proving spectacularly incompetent about managing many of the most important
national assets (see Air India for just one among many billion-dollar

So, while privatization has to be considered in some cases, it should also
be noted that it isn’t inevitably always a disaster. Ever since Ronald
Reagan started the global shift – he famously exhorted, “don’t just stand
there, undo something” – there has undoubtedly been value unlocked both for
the public and private sectors, to the benefit of citizens and consumers
alike. British Airways is one leading example.

To find out what he thought about this dilemma, I reached out to Nitin Pai,
the co-founder and director of the Takshashila Institution, one of the
country’s leading public policy thinktanks.

Pai carefully parsed the situation: “The argument that entities that find
favour of the government of the day will benefit is quite likely true; but
cannot be used to exercise a veto. It's not as if a different government
will act in a lofty manner.”

Thus, “at one level, it doesn't matter who picks up the asset; as long as
there is competition, and rules that favour competition; government must
not allow exclusivity. At another level, ownership matters to the public
interest because wealth is power; and political leaders, of all people,
should be careful in preventing concentration.”

His bottom line: “give up assets, but don’t create monopolies.”

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