In your message  1  Message-ID: <CAHg__J7RfWVkvJy2FuftEngX+JEne=>   Dated: Wed, 1 Sep 2021 14:55:31 +0530

From: Joao Barros-Pereira <on the subject ***** It Is All In The Stars was comedy relief for me ..Heavy handed questio n  WHO IS A GOAN
.....Explanation  from  a former Judge in  in LISBOA were most
unsatisfying....Another Cheese.Cracker eating Goan who thinks he is now

 So reading ...what you rode calmed me down .....

saw pig
on scooter

taking pig
to be killed


lucky for
some pigs

i no eat

what does joao want to say?

-AND GRANDOLFO IN MAKONGO JUU , Tep 20 , light Rain  decided to write to
you ...sorry pen to you  longish verses

Mr Joao Barros-Pereira

You really deserve a Nobel Prize for Peace. Don[t be modest accept it

But you could use the Prize money to bug glasses

The piglet

You saw

Was not  a scooter

He was on


2300 seesee

No petrol

Pure Electric

New electric BLW

L for Luxury

The piglet

Lands in the abandoned

Kabul Airport

The Sharp shooter drop


Right, even left


In Unison they scream


 A piglet in their midst

The piglet adjust his reflective

 Glasses and his

Especial silver jumpsuit

Reaches in the right knee pocket

A silver flat slask

Muscetel  1929

Just then an Afghan

maiden rushes

My Prince Charming

Take me to Goa

The Piglet is smooten

His heart pounds

Like the cylinder of his electric BMW

The BMW can be voice controlled

She hopes back and hugs

 Piglet in a daze

heads straight for the  TORNADO VTO

Changes his mind

There is a Mig 23 curtsy of Putin

High High above Pak da stan

She plays with the joy stick

Mig is on Automatic The two fly

He stand up She stands up

The Mig 23 is on automatic

They embrace and their lips touch

The piglet turns into Prince Charming

She is thrilled

The voice box of

BMW says claps and says PUTIN !!! PUTIN

She blushes

Then Whispers PUTINA

Its too early

What did she mean ???

The Prince looks out to the left

IAF fighters are escorting them

They have been

Escorting them right over


Please wait for about 270 days

Will the biproduct be

Known as GOSHSTAN and

If a girl STUNGOAL

What do you think Barros

PS STUNGOAL is an <<<Acronym fo Stunning Goan Lass<<<


In Makongo JUU. Temperatures down to 20 C light rain predicted

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