In pursuit of happiness
To be happy and contended is dream of every one whether rich or poor
Is there a formula or recipe for perfect happiness?.The search is endless
and efforts  ciuntless , but unfortunately there is no perfect answer.Some
spirutuals gurus  believe  and prescribe that the monent to be happy has to
be postponed  to the next world after death.Hence they mortify themselves
of earthly pleasures  to earn this  desire of eternal  bliss
The standards, levels and barometer of happiness varies with different
For the rich and filthy it is possession of material goods,like cars
homes .watches. designer  clothes precious stones gold .silver beautiful
wives,     etc.  wealth that money can.  In this hot pursuit their peace is
at risk because of their preoccupation to gather at all costs.There is no
limit to their desires wants and needs.The more they have the more they
crave and their moto,  enough is not in their dictionary  of satisfaction
There is no survey about the billionaires  or mumtibillionaries or most
succesful people are the  happiest people that world has known
Some others seek happiness in power, pisitions and influence.Politicians
for ex ample are breed of the kind.Their control over others by  their
dictats gives them high like drugs.But the moment  they lose it they become
miserable ,as the power is no more the intoxicant.
Barbarism, sadistic brtuality and terrorism  gives satisfaction for this
section , as  they wield power  over the helpless  by fear , but in the end
they suffer the same fate.
Those that are depressed and weighed down with failures seek refuse in
drugs alcohol, gambling etc but are ruined completely in their attempt to
search in vain   Irresponsibility   , lack of commitment, loneliness is joy
for some
There are those who are poor marginalised  , who are in hot pursuit to
possess  what they  imagine is the key to happiness  that rich revel
in.They seek comforts and pleasures that are far beyond their reach and
thus these aspirations ruin their present life
The middle class  with all their sacrifice a, efforts  try to get into the
rich  club and this pursuit encounter  endless miseries too.
The few who may succeed are a minuscule few and is not a rule to emulate.
The happiest person on earth as the fable goes did not have  a shirt on his
back and that is irony of life
Most of us are not satisfied or contended with what we have  but search for
what we do not have and intangible. The person in Africa went in search of
diamonds, but as history  records the biggest diamond mines were located in
his own backyard.It is deception and illusion to compare happiness with
others without parameters  as sign of great joy and rejoicing
The happiest and richest folks are those that have fewest wants;but these
wise and age old addages are no more inspiration to our greed beyond
reasonable  needs
There are a lot many things that make people happy like having children,
success in examanitation, promotion  in service windfall in a lottery.
Marriage   getting employed  , the urge to travel, owning a dewelling ,
furnishing it with comforts  that make  life easy from drugery , good
health , the talents that make us flourish..  Fame and popularity ,seeking
appreciation  recognition publicly through  print and social media,
forcing and demanding at times and clamouring for rewards and awards
 Mother  Theresa is one such exampke who made lufe of others happy by her
social, charitable   and humanitarian  services.Surely she derived
limitless joy in her social  obligations  Doing good for goodness sake
without expectations  or return favour  of obligation  is desirable goal of
happiness.  There is immense  joy that nothing can buy  .as when you bring
a smile on the face of others by words action and deeds.One act a day that
touches the life of any one  is recipe for happiness
To long individuals are  concerned and devote energies forr self benefit
with minimum thoughts towards emeloriating the pain and sufferrings of
others .It is me ,  mine and myself emphasis that is predominant. Sparing a
thought for others should   be a priority too.  HOW we exaggerate our own
conditions and self pity that prevents us from looking beyond our nose. A
man was complaining about lack of shoes  , when he noticed someone without
The attitude  and  behaviour of sense of gratitude enhances  our
 wellbeing.The words  like gratitude and sorry   generate immense joy.
There is a lot of joy when we share company witg others   not for what we
can get but what we can contribute to the group towards betterment of sense
of belonging
Acceptance of our lot with a smile and positive attitude  attitude  can
motivate  us for better adjustment
Getting involved in religious practices reading of sacred texts, ,
traditions,   customs ,Meditation,   Yoga  can relieve  stress
 ,generating better peace of mind and joy
Listening to music, dancing and laughter release certain good feel
chemicals enhance mood swings
The route to determination of happiness is conscious  efforts   to make
best  use of  the worst situation towards our l advantage.  Suicides are
frustrations  of unfulfilled levels of our aspirations  for happiness

Happiness is finally the state of mind and not connected permanently with
physical factors. Creating happiness in our minds is paramount to state of
happiness and depends primarily on self  and ability to adjust to
.Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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