Precisely two decades ago outside my home on the Hudson River waterfront, I
watched the World Trade Centre towers crumble into a mountain of ashes. Our
shocked knot of neighbours called out in involuntary anguish, while the
toddler in my arms grew instinctively hushed.

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief: we had just witnessed the
unimaginable, with infinite implications for each of us, and all together.

“My first emotion was confusion,” says Naresh Fernandes, the Mumbai-based
Founder-Editor of ** who then worked for the *Wall Street Journal*
in offices directly below the ill-fated towers.

Fernandes survived the maelstrom, then walked home to Brooklyn in its
apocalyptic aftermath. He recalls, “the planes hit relatively early in the
day -- and therefore early in our shift. We had a paper to produce. Because
of our location south of the towers, we didn't actually see the plane hit
the building -- it looked like the building had caught fire. Almost
immediately, I could see people scamper on to the ledges of the tower and
as the flames began to read them, they would jump. I saw dozens of them
leap into the void.”

All of a sudden, “there was another roar -- and the flames seemed to jump
from the first tower to the second.”

This was Flight 175 ramming into the South Tower, sending a shower of
debris to the streets. By that point, I was already on the waterfront,
drawn out by the screaming whine and impact of Flight 11 flying into the
North Tower, which is why I saw the inconceivable second crash right in
front of me (it would take years to stop panicking every time a plane
passed overhead).

But even if this was clearly an unprecedented attack, none of us expected
what happened next. Fernandes recounts, “we waited in the street for quite
some time. It was obvious that the fire brigade would put out the blaze and
we'd be able to return to finish editing the next day's edition. A
policeman came by asking us to move along because there was a possibility
that the towers could fall. No one moved. Those were big, solid structures.
There was no way they could fall. And then they did.”

Further uptown, the Editor-in-Chief of this newspaper was also living
through this excruciating moment.

In fact, until nine months before Mohamed Atta piloted his hijacked jet
into the North Tower, Zafar Sobhan worked at the law firm of Brown & Wood
on the 67th floor of that same building.

He remembers, “I could see WTC from my south-facing office at my new
midtown firm, and in fact saw both towers pulverized to dust and fall. I
think we all felt powerfully that the world had changed, and would change
in ways we could not immediately anticipate.”

It was the same for me and Fernandes, but Sobhan had an additional insight.
He notes, “I certainly knew even then that not just the US would change,
but my place in the world as a liberal Muslim. And so it has been. The
biggest long-term impact of 9/11 has not been on the US but on the Muslim
world and individual Muslims, in my view.”

That point of view makes perfect sense, because, back then, even while New
York City came together relatively impressively, the United States was
pivoting to “fight back” against an ill-defined enemy it projected onto an
imagined “clash of civilizations” comprising an assortment of convenient

We now know that, on the afternoon of 9/11 itself, the odious warmonger
Donald Rumsfeld (he was Secretary of Defence) wrote to his deputy Paul
Wolfowitz to dig up connections between Saddam Hussain and Osama bin Laden.
The next day, his purported boss, the haplessly incompetent George W. Bush
repeated the request to counterterrorism expert Richard Clarke, and was
visibly disappointed when informed there was no link.

The world supported the United States in its quest to hunt Al Qaeda in
Afghanistan, but less than five months after 9/11 in his January 2002 state
of the union address to the US Congress, the president was equivocating
mendaciously about an absurd “Axis of Evil” comprising the Ba’athists in
Iraq, their sworn enemies in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and – most
ridiculous of all – the hermetically sealed dictatorship in North Korea.

In his 2006 book *State of Denial*, Bob Woodward details what the
recidivist war criminal Henry Kissinger answered when speechwriter Mike
Gerson asked why he had supported the devastating blunder into Iraq:
“Because Afghanistan wasn’t enough. [In the conflict with radical Islam]
they want to humiliate us. And we need to humiliate them in order to make a
point that we’re not going to live in this world that they want for us.”

For these mindlessly hollow motivations, in the most morally bankrupt
manner, the fires of 9/11 were stoked to spread across the planet. As we
have seen most clearly in the ongoing American abandonment of Afghanistan,
there are no victors. Everyone lost.

“The impact of 9/11 on geopolitics has been widely discussed,” says
Fernandes, “because the fall of the towers gave governments everywhere an
opportunity to rationalise their suppression of fundamental freedoms.”

But that was not all, because the cataclysm “also spooked the financial
markets and the economic tsunami that followed has reshaped the world just
as profoundly. The financialization of daily life proceeded at an even
quicker pace. For journalism in the US -- and then in many other parts of
the world -- the period after 9/11 completely altered the way the business
of media was conducted. Right until Covid, the ripples of 9/11 continued to
be one of the strongest influences on how we lived our lives.”

Making the comparison to the 1914 assassination that sparked World War I
(which itself presaged World War II and the end of colonialism), Sobhan
says that “9/11 was the Archduke Ferdinand moment for the 21st century”.

He explains: “the real epoch-defining event for Bangladesh and the rest of
the Muslim world was the Iraq invasion in 2003 As a result of that war, the
way in which Muslims interfaced with the rest of the world -- and more
crucially with one another -- changed forever. But Iraq would not have
happened if not for 9/11, so for our generation and for those who come,
whose world has been forged in the aftermath of Iraq, we all live very much
in a world that was born on that day 20 years ago.”

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