This was the ‘original article‘ re.colours of the Indian flag, written in July, 
I hope it gives perspective & we do not turn excessively inward: I do not 
anticipate that occurring, as we do have a larger perspective. 

From: "Ivan D." <> 
Date: 2020-08-14 10:16 PM (GMT-05:00) 
To: Ivan DP <> 
Subject: Aug 14 & 15, 1947: Independence of Pakistan & India 

I hope u have/find the time to read this, & that it provides a historical 
perspective of the events of 14-15, 1947, & the decades before 1947. 
- Ivan D. ✌🏽👣

Aug 14 & 15, 1947: Independence of Pakistan & India: 

The first flag below (with the wheel, ‘chakra) is that of the Republic of India 
(Independence in 1947). 

The second flag (below left, orange on left)) is that of the Republic of 
Ireland (war of independence, 1918-1922, & included in the Irish Constitution 
in 1937). It was first flown in 1848 (by Thomas Francis Meagher). 

The third flag (below right, green on left) is of the Ivory Coast (independence 
in 1960). 

Historical perspective: 

The Indian independence leaders admired the Irish. 

They felt that the Irish, with close territorial proximity to Great Britain, 
still won their independence, & they wondered why they were having difficulty 
1000s of miles away. 

So, it is not very clear if the same  colours are just a coincidence, or 
whether the Indian independence leaders were reaching out to Europe, & making a 
statement with the flag colours that they were not making it excessively a 
racial issue. 

Some British leaders sought European support, stating just that, & attempting 
to isolate India from the international community.  

Ivory Coast got their independence in 1960, again difficult to imagine the same 
colours are a coincidence (green the grasslands of the Savannahs, white the 
rivers, orange the coastal areas). 

When an Ivorian coast woman won the World Indoor 60m dash, 1988, she had no 
flag. She borrowed the Irish one, reversed it (backwards, so green was first), 
& ran the victory lap with it. 

For the Irish, green signified the Catholics, orange the Protestants, & white a 
truce between the two. 

India considered green the (agricultural) wealth of the land, white meant 
‘purity’, & orange ‘spirituality’. 

The wheel in the middle (Chakra) represented Asoka the Great, & Indian 
civilization of his time. 

In my view, our planet is shrinking, inter-related intrinsically & in practical 
terms, & in time we will celebrate & fight for ‘sovereignty’ at different 
levels, from the autonomy of the individual to the well-being of our planet. 

Decades ago, there was a small radioactive leak from a nuclear power plant in 
New Jersey. 

Six months later, scientists sent teams to collect snow samples from Mount 
Everest & Mount K2, (the tallest mountain), from places no human being has 

The snow samples examined in the laboratory had ‘the signature’ of that 
radioactive leak. 

Increasingly, we will have to solve challenges & find solutions at a global 
level, while protecting our sovereignties at different levels, and the primacy 
of the ‘nation-state’ will take a back seat to emerging universal values 
related to our collective survival. 

Of course, the struggles of  peoples  of the earth & humanity for freedom will 
continue to be remembered, & freedom gained celebrated ! 

(PS. Why Aug 14 at the top? Pakistan was given independence on Aug 14, 1947, so 
Pakistanis claim they got independence first. SURE !)

Sept 15 is a huge feast in southern  Italy, celebrating the ‘Ascension of Our 
Lady’, when her body & soul (not just her soul) went to Heaven, one of the 
Mysteries of the Catholic faith (I am not sure if all Protestant denominations 
celebrate Aug 15 in the same way). 

I assume that is a coincidence, too, not just a reaching out to Europe by the 
Indian independence leaders, who kept stressing that they did not want 
independence to be construed as primarily a racial issue, tho it was also very 
much that !

I hope this gives some perspective to the outstanding leadership in a very 
debilitating time in history. 

AHIMSA ! 🙏🏼☮️

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