Dear Fredrico
The idea of writing about sun god is to give information to people.There are lots of things that we follow today in Roman Catholicism that has come from the egyptians.There are many churches still have the embelm of the sun on the main altar.Reverened Fr.that we use to address our priest is directly come from the egyptians.The red cap of the bishop,the staff that he used to use in early times etc etc.I just wrote to remind the people that there are lots of paganism that have been infused in our religion.Jesus condems the use of Father to human beings.In Luke he says that the \word Father should be used only when addressing God the Father.Now a days people just flare up and speak without thinking.Iwas once visiting a family and while we were busy chatting and gossiping two elderly ladies walked in.They were completely strangers to the place. They began by saying"We have come to give you the good news of Jesus." The landlady got so angry with those two ladies that she literally pushed them out without even listening to them.I asked them as why they were so angry with Jesus they bluntly told me 'they are false prophets.Our vicar told us to drive them out."I said you have driven jesus out from your home.They have come to give spread the gospel,the same gospel which you and I follow,they have come to tell you about Jesus,the same Jesus who died on the cross,their jesus and your jesus is same isn't it? I would keep quiet if you were a hindu or a muslim and they had come to tell you about Jesus.You are a christian and they are christian what is this? We Roman Catholics do nothing to spread the gospel. We do not know the gospel ourselves,Every time we go for mass something is read as first reading second reading and the gospel. Only the gospel is clear because the priest has the ability to read slowly and clearly where as the others read arabian history.Nobody seems to be interested in spreading the gospel.I am not telling you to spread the gospel to the hindus or muslims etc but I am telling you to spread the gospel to the Christians itself.Even Mahatma Gandhi read Bible.But the christians are yet to read.I once gave a lift to one Mandrekar.As soon as he sat on my bike he started to preach the word of God.I was shocked that a hindu could tell me about Jesus and quote bible chapter wise and I was not.I asked him whether he was a convert and he said no. I believe in Jesus, I believe in Lord Ganesh too.What is there to read the bible any harm? opsWhen I began the daily reflections there were many christians who wrote nasty emails to me because i according to them had lost my nerves and told me to stop writing.I was surprised to get one email from a non christian friend who told meto continue writing for he felt nice on reading and even told me that if I am stopped from writing on the goanet that I should write to him directly on his email.He has achieved happiness by reading the reflections.

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