Leonara Caldeira was not Goan. She was a Spanish Jew whose family emigrated
to Portugal where she was converted and became a Cristaos-Novas. Being
widowed she left for Cochin with her son and two daughters. She established
a thriving business which drew her into contact with Jews living in the
neighbouring part of Cochin ruled by the Cochin Raja.
Goa's Inquisition was not involved in her arrest and trial. The first
inquisitors arrived in Goa only in December 1560, well after Caldeira and
19 other Cristaos-Novas (10 from Cochin, 10 from Goa) were put on a ship
for Lisbon. She was the only one burnt. Widows constituted a major
percentage of those who were subjected to this terrifying ordeal, not just
in Portugal but throughout Europe. It was the time of witch-burning in the
Protestant north.
We know of a number of the 20 who were released within months of the
auto-da-fe, a clear indication that the trial was intended to remove
Cristao-Novas from Cochin's commercial scene. One, Jacome Olivares,
emigrated to Istanbul.

Regarding leniency, there are directives from the king to this effect.
Among them are alvaras extending relief to "culprits" for two offences as
well as making new converts free from prosecution for a number of years.
The intention was never to drive people away. The intention had always been
to draw new converts firmly into the Portuguese orbit. Every ruler knows
that to retain his kingdom he needs to retain his people and ensure
conditions of security and peace so that the economy flourishes. This is
not achieved by terrorising subjects. It was purely a matter of practical

On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 6:30 PM Gilbert Lawrence <gilbert2...@yahoo.com>

> In the two posts from Adolfo on this topic, I tried my best to separate
> the logical points of the posts from the rambling accounts.  In the midst
> of the Goan laterite Ferrous-Manganese stones and the red mud, there was a
> refreshing diamond-in-the-rough.
>  "happening in Goa (for) Portuguese soldiers and
> sailors adulterous (behavior) as a right. "
> With the above, finally I understand how the charge of
> converted-Christians "living their former faith" came about.
> Most naïve historians and other writers had explained this heresy charge as
> "clandestinely observing the Jewish Sabbath and the Muslim Friday holy day"
> or as the article points to "visiting synagogues
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synagogues> and eating unleavened bread"
> or eating or not eating “halal/kosher meat”.
> Aldolfo (with his Tanzania background) points to their religions'
> sanction of multiple wives, contrary to Christian practice, which had
> viewed that conduct as "adulterous behavior".  This makes more sense, and
> explains Francis Xavier's strong disappointment of the moral values and
> practices of Converted Christians.  BTW, Hindus are not and cannot be
> labelled as heretics; and hence not under the purview of the Inquisition.  
> *Insights into
> Colonial Goa* draws the difference between the goals of Inquisition and
> Persecution; and I hope at least the Goans participating in this dialog
> draw the distinction.
> I am not suggesting that White Christian Portuguese soldiers and
> sailors did not have adulterous relations.  But they could not claim it as
> a "right".
> The article from "New Indian Express" had a lot of misinformation and
> disinformation.  So I wish we did not give it the publicity.  Rather we
> should be spending our time and energy studying the serious writings of
> Goan authors like Alan Machado, Valmiki Faleiro, and me who have spent lot
> of time researching the facts and analyzing the data.  But I welcome the
> grain of shining light amidst a lot of historical confusion and
> disinformation.
> Thanks Adolfo, for pointing out that the heresy charge against the New
> Convert is claim of the RIGHT TO have a haram, concubine, mistress, or a
> one-night-stand, a perfectly accepted practice of Islam and 16th century
> Judaism.
>  Regards, Gilbert
> Co-author: Insights into Colonial Goa
> available to buy on Amazon
> <https://www.amazon.com/gp/r.html?C=2EIU1YSKTC6SW&K=1YSZTG71F3AAV&M=urn:rtn:msg:20210918105508d3c5eea61c5147b08309a319b0f0p0na&R=TPHJ093OYUIJ&T=C&U=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fdp%2FB09GJSBCQJ%3Fref_%3Dpe_3052080_397514860&H=XOKXK6A4KWYUSOULOZQQ9OQX82AA&ref_=pe_3052080_397514860>
> .
> On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 05:41:36 PM EDT, Adolfo Mascarenhas <
> adca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Gilbert and others ....I am referring to your dispatch <<<<<I do not know
> if many read Alan Machado's recent post on Goanet on the Goan inquisition.?
> With the article's section on leniency, etc. Machado paints is a different
> picture than what some have described as "the worst of all the Inquisitions
> in the world.>>>>>
> At this moment it is not material to me what Machado wrote.
> As a Catholic and a Goan and an Africander I am disgusted on two main
> grounds ......No where in the Bible is it written that only Catholics will
> go to heaven. It is absurd and illogical and logical it means that there is
> a God for Islam , Hindus and Buddhist and on closer examinations a Sub God
> for Lutherans, Seventh Day, Wahhabibis , Khojas, Itnasheris  No it makes
> a mockery of Religion.
> 2 A considerable part of the the arguments are racist as can be .....St
> Francis Xavier, himself a Jesuit who spent a longer time in a town called
> Kilwa her in Tanzania worked side by side with Moslems ...treating and
> curing the sick, learning the culture of the people .....No where is there
> any mention of Jews but quite a few Jewish men came to Goa as traders and
> even a very famous Botanist called Orte they intermarried
> He was appalled at what was happening in Goa Portuguese soldiers and
> sailors   adulterous as a right  and later when the inquisition became
> part of the Policy in Portugal and its colonies it became even more extreme
> In Part 2 below I briefly narrate what happened to a Goan Woman called
> Caldeira
> More than the Jesuits, the two top Inquisitors were Dominicans Catholic
> Priest.  For the next two hundred years the Inquisition went on an on. Then
> comes a Marquis ...he decides to expelled  all the Jesuit from Goa ....Oh
> yes they went to the huge British India started schools, and Universities
> and allowed people to pray in their own tongue Nepalese, Tamil and really
> hundreds of languages ....
> I would like to add a by the way before I forget ......there were Bolivian
> and Colombian and  a Brazilian depending on which of the powers were in
> Control
> I would like to end my asking myself How is all this Relevant in this
> digital age: AFGHANISTAN ,  9/11   ......Evil is EVIL .......it is so much
> better to understand our histories ...Part Follows .
> PART 2 The Woman called Caldeira .....her name suggests she was already a
> new convert ......
> A documented case of the persecution of the Jews (New Christians) that
> began few years before the inauguration of the Goa Inquisition was *that
> of a Goan woman named Caldeira.* Her trial contributed to formal launch
> of Goa Inquisition office.[81]
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goa_Inquisition#cite_note-Wojciehowski208-84>
> Caldeira, and 19 other New Christians, were arrested by the Portuguese and
> brought before the tribunal in 1557. They were charged with Judaizing
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judaizing>, visiting synagogues
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synagogues> and eating unleavened bread.
> [81]
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goa_Inquisition#cite_note-Wojciehowski208-84> 
> She
> was also accused of celebrating Purim
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purim> festival coincident with the Hindu
> festival of Holi <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holi>, wherein she was
> alleged to have burnt dolls symbolic of *"filho de hamam"* (son of Haman).
> [81]
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goa_Inquisition#cite_note-Wojciehowski208-84> 
> Ultimately,
> all of them were sent from Goa to Lisbon
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisbon> to be tried by the Portuguese
> Inquisition. There, she was sentenced to death.[81]
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goa_Inquisition#cite_note-Wojciehowski208-84>
> Grandolfo
> In Makongo Juu

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