Sorry to hear that the Goa Court function didn't go well.
With the BJP clowns in power, does anything go well?
As long as the Guju duo run the country, India will continue going downhill.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Aires Rodrigues" <>
To: "goanet" <>
Sent: Sunday, 26 Sep, 21 At 21:34
Subject: [Goanet] SHADY ELECTIONEERING - A NEW LOW FOR GOA'S LEGAL FRATERNITY The 24th of September 2021 may remain as a historical marker -- albeit of a dishonorable type -- in the annals of history for the legal fraternity of Goa, on account of the alleged shady electioneering at the elections of our
Goa High Court Bar Association.

The entire process was not insulated against extraneous considerations of
unethical nature.  As members of legal fraternity we are duty-bound to
uphold the Rule of Law in our deeds and actions, howsoever strong be our
desire to win elections. Sadly, Goa’s highest Court of Justice helplessly
witnessed an atrocious tragedy of sorts.

For the first time ever these elections to our Bar Association witnessed a huge flow of cash and considerations in kind. Our profession was no longer noble when we fell prey to such temptations, throwing the sacrosanct Code
of ethics to the winds.

It is an extremely sad precedent that has been set. If we as
lawyers lose our right to think independently, act appropriately and speak
out fearlessly the future is bleak. Can we, then, expect anything better
from other sections of the community? Winning elections by making unlawful and immoral inducements is a crying shame more so within the precincts of a
Court of Justice.

September 24th will be remembered as a very dark day for Goa’s legal
fraternity when we advocates were sadly guided in breaching the law by
succumbing to acts which were absolutely unprincipled and horrendous to say the least. We abdicated our responsibility as guardians of law that we had
so solemnly resolved to be.

As an officer of the Court, I have diligently complied with my bounden duty by informing the above to the Chief Justice of India, the Bombay High Court Chief Justice and the Administrative Judge of the High Court of Bombay at
Adv. Aires Rodrigues
C/G-2, Shopping Complex
Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar – Goa – 403006
Mobile No: 9822684372
Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues

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