Dear Aires bab

We all remember this Swachh Bharat Abhyian was founded by our previous
Governor of Goa Smt Mridula Sinha and she has even installed her picture in
a huge board near Goa University at Dona Paula which even after her exit
this board got rotten and none of successive Governors didn't even bother
to use that board. SAD
This board should have been installed in St Inez creek instead of a posh
area where everybody could see and come forward to clean this present dirty
creek. What is the point to keep at a very nice and clean environment?
We all after seeing this board with her picture sitting comfortably until
it rotten was really a joke for us residents at Dona Paula. All know that
she had even converted her residence of Cabo Raj Niwas into a jungle full
of trees and cows shed etc  Old Portuguese living Governors who stayed
there and some our good Indian Governors will surely curse this lady for
turning  this palace into a jungle.
Now slowly this recent Governor is cleaning up the mess created by her.
Thank GOD.

Stephen Dias
Social worker
2nd Oct 2021


By Aires Rodrigues

Seven years ago on 2nd October 2014, the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched
across the country amidst much fanfare. High expectations were raised but
the cleanliness drive has however remained a mere paper tiger with the
campaign miserably faltering while crores have been poured down the drain
only promoting Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP. The drive to
ensure cleanliness and sanitation has to be a people’s movement and not a
political one.

Even in a tiny State like Goa it has been a total failure as garbage
continues to be mounting and accumulated all over. Even the capital city
Panaji is festering with dirt galore. The situation is only worsening by
the day and the lack of sanitation and hygiene being a matter of concern.

Those crores of rupees squandered by the Government on that media blitz for
this campaign would have brought smiles and cheers to the poor and
downtrodden if all that money was instead judiciously spent for their

Under the guise of Swachh Bharat what has infact been cleaned over the
years is only the State coffers in what has been a criminal siphoning of
public funds.

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