--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Perhaps, the surprise is because of a
> misunderstanding. Please explain clearly as to what
> you are trying to say? What variables? What have I
> extrapolated into the future? 

Alright Santosh,

Let me try this one more time. Your initial argument
no. 1 in your own words:

"The point is that there are objective scientific
facts that indicate that terms such as mind, soul,
self, etc are most likely particular configurations of
the electrical activity of the brain."

Hence, an entity such as the self and soul cannot
exist independent of the mind/body. You further went
on to state that this is no longer an opinion but that
some evidence will soon come to light which will
conclusively prove it to be so.

Now, I respect your scientific perspective on this,
but your assertion that the philosophical concept of
self and consciousness is to be totally disregarded is
a bit premature. After all, we are now not talking
about an organised religion's view of the "soul". 

Organised religion has been so easy to discredit,
especially post 9/11 having come in for so much flak,
but we are now talking about centuries of philosophers
and schools of latter-day writers, among which include
such luminaries as Jung, M Scot Peck, Gibran and Paulo
Coelho, who speak eloquently and passionately about
consciousness. Two from the standpoint of  clinical
psychologists with years of experience in the human
Psyche and the other two from the standpoint of poetic
writers and free thinkers.

After we've lined up all the theologians and disposed
off them for spewing nonsense for centuries (which I
agree a lot of them have been doing), I guess next in
line are those half-baked philosophers, poets,
free-thinkers and anyone else out there looking for
answers outside of the petri-dish.

So let's look at this from another point. Science is
very quick to prove that the regression theory of God
(for lack of a better word) is nonsense, simply
because there is no evidence to regress evolution back
to a supernatural Deity. Now we can talk about Big
bangs and black holes till kingdom come but the fact
of the matter is nothing has adequately explained how
matter and energy sparked off life. To which the
answer from scientific quarters is, that evidence will
present itself.

I'm sure lots of evidence will present itself in the
next billion years to come, but it is simply
impossible for us to extrapolate at this point where
that evidence will lead us and for you to make an
assertion one way or another, just seems to me to be
as dogmatic as the religious viewpoint.

That's my two cents and I've got no more spare change.

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  • R... Carvalho
    • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Gilbert Lawrence
      • ... Carvalho
        • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
      • ... Santosh Helekar
        • ... George Pinto
    • ... Sunith Velho
    • ... Bosco D'Mello

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