FN,This company either does not know the US laws or is positioning itself as 
being unaware of the US laws. 

Rest assured that every transaction of over $100,000 is investigated by the US 
revenue dept. 

Auction houses have stringent rules and demand proof on how and where any 
registered bidder has obtained his/her money. Lastly, insurance companies will 
not insure any item that does not have clean documentation. 


    On Thursday, October 21, 2021, 04:39:52 p.m. CDT, Frederick Noronha 
<fredericknoron...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 This is so true!

Art market in the frame of money laundering


[Goanet] Vamona Navelcar
George Pinto georgejpinto at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 21 07:53:58 PDT 2021

Goa lost of her greats and true to Goan form, he was largely ignored while
alive. In the last 15 years when I got to know Navelcar, I made it a point
to visit him during my trips to Goa.  He lived modestly in his Pomburpa
home and in means below his stature.
Now that Navelcar has passed we will see the usual "remembrances" and
"eulogies" from people who did not make the time for him or support his
work while he was alive. Worse, we will see the vultures descend on his
family to gather his paintings, claiming to be art-lovers.

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