Good candidate
What is the yard stick of measurement of this quality.It is the party that
fosters the candidate  on the voters. The criteria for is winability
either  by muscle or money power.The past  antecedents  are  no Iindication
of concern
The popularity through self advertisement  and ability  to splurge  and add
to party coffers are factors  that decide.   Has any candidate with
education, experience, integrity ,social standing  found favour with the
party It is because the winability factor of honest and sincere candidate
is at a discount.Wonder and admire the qualities of some past politicians
to represent highly literate electorate. Even to day judge for yourself
thei tegrety of new aspirants
Every new candidate and old promises the moon but after election are sucked
into the vortex of corruption. THEY  are  forced to recover and if they win
gather enough for next round. THE demands of followers compels them to loot
and plunder  to keep them warm.Every candidate  per se  is honest to start
with and soon afflicted  with virus of contamination for personal  good. IT
is the confirmed story of all past present and also of the future candidates
The cycle will repeat without fail
It is a fallacy that only those with passion for social commitment be
elected, but is the rarest of rare breed to be discovered
The process and system will never operate for voters decision of candidate.
Voters must acquiesce and support the choice of party elders
The only alternative is none of the above  but it does  not sc ratch
snybodys back and does not matter in the final analysis. NOT voting offers
a cart blanc  to the scoundrels.The worst scenario is of being poached, or
offered  vast sums to change parties or defect.These are the most
trustworthy candidates in whom voters reserved faith.They turned full
circle for development which you can judge by their perfomance. UNLESS some
strict regulations for candidates selection and after wi n  are enforced.
I t is themockrry
 of process  that will rewind again
Some parties and candidates want to cash on withdrawal  proposition at a
Independents are only to exploit circumstances as they have no policies  or
manifesto to confine

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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