In the claim below that medical science is not a
science because it is empirical the author Allwyn has
only provided the definition of the word "empirical".
He has not provided the definitions of the terms
empirical science and medical science. From his
limited and partial dictionary definitions of a
truncated term and from his beliefs he draws many
sweeping conclusions, one of which is the following:

"Every once in a while one comes across a "scientist"
like Santosh who, from his arrogance it seems, does
not seem to realize that his understanding is, at
best, limited."



--- allwyntc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>"Empirical: Depending upon experience or observation
>alone, without due regard to science and theory; --
>said especially of medical practice, remedies, etc.;
>wanting in science and deep insight; as, empiric
>skill, remedies."
> Note the phrases, "without due regard to science and
> theory", also, "
> wanting in science and deep insight".
> Also, from the same dictionary:
> "Empirical: Pertaining to, or founded upon,
> experiment or experience;
> depending upon the observation of phenomena; versed
> in experiments."
> Empirical "scientists" "prove" their conclusions
> based on observation.
>  Having observed 427 subjects, and seeing more or
> less a certain
> pattern, they will claim as proof that the pattern
> exists in all
> subjects.
> That is the best they can do.  Empirical science
> cannot prove naught.
> "Pure" science too, for example mathematics, for
> that matter, cannot
> prove naught.  Pure science, too, is based on
> axioms.  The axioms are
> taken for granted.  There is no proof for the
> axioms, one simply needs
> to believe in them.  If the axioms turn out to be
> wrong, science needs
> to be re-written.  Science does not exist without
> these axioms.
> Most scientists know this -- they realize that their
> "proofs" are not
> absolute -- that they are subject to the axioms on
> which they are
> based.
> Allwyn.

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