Alliances borne out uncertaintity
MGP has lost its relevance  after  opinion  poll and Goa being declared as
separate state with official  Lang as konkani
Shakila daughter of founder abandoned and joined Congress. KALAP who
carried the flag also joined Congress.It has some following with lone
member and his brother MGP by aligning with BJP for short electoral gains
has  committed harikari in the past.
The lone member was sacked  by BJP and till recently was humiliated with
outbursts  by CM. Is there  any sense of dignity to consider such an
alliance after claiming  it would be suicidal?
Nobody wants to touch BJP and MGP even distantly with a pole  and together
they can still make mery but doubtful, as hungry politicians will  extend
support anyway for loaves  of office irrespective of prepoll or post poll
alliance.The entry of APP and TMC has rattled  the BJP undisputed run
The vandalism resorted by BJP against TMC is a knee jerk  reaction of
frustration of  upsetting the apple cart.The voters by and large would
prefer to pack BJP. MGP and Congress back to Pavilion
Unites Goans Party looks like  it has folded gracefully after Dr Jorson the
only hopeful
Called it quits after  nurturing it for 15 years
Hence the talk of alliance  between by MGP and BJP is outrageous  with
demand of 12 seats is ludicrous but face saving device, as such a proposal
is not borne out of inherent  strength  of MGP.
But the voters will spring a surprise  this time around   Wait and watch
Nelson  Lopes Chinchinm

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