By: Stephen Dias, Dona Paula

Dear Arun Sinha
Editor Navhind Times

Please publish this letter.


The people of Goa collectively have to galvanize support to that party that
is not only promising but also which will act conclusively to stop Mormugao
Port Trust ( MPT) from becoming a coal handling hub as also decisively stop
transportation of coal through Goa. Coal is a third world fuel and the
Adanis should not  be allowed to use Goa as a coal conduit, thereby
polluting the environment and Goans have to collectively stop Adanis from
importing coal from their acquired Carmichael coal mine in Australia since
coal anyway is a polluting commodity that will have drastic consequences on
the ambient air quality in especially as is observed in the port town of
Vasco. The Adanis who have taken a multibillion dollar loan to acquire the
Carmichael mines have no business and should be put out of their coal
business which is contributing to large scale pollution of the environment
wherever they are using it in India. It is high time that the people of Goa
say a decisive NO to coal.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula
Social Activist
6th November 2021

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