Spot on. And, there’s consciousness.

On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 4:41 PM Roland Francis <>

> It’s not just your brain that makes you smart according to Annie Murphy
> Paul in this interesting podcast. She suggests also thinking outside the
> brain.
> “Intelligence is the domain of the mind, that much is obvious. What isn't
> obvious is what makes up the mind. Most people will say the brain, and
> there are hundreds of books that will endorse this.
> Science journalist Annie Murphy Paul, author of The Extended Mind, wants
> to dispel us of our brain fixation. It's not that the brain isn't
> important, or even critical, but it isn't acting alone. Paul explores how
> intelligence is tied to the rest of our bodies, to our circumstances and
> the company we keep.”
> Roland.
> Toronto.

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