Caste is a peculiar social system that is found in the Indian
sub continent mostly amongst its Hindu population. Caste system may be
indigenous to India  but the word caste itself  is derived from
the Spanish word  CASTA  which means lineage or breed. The Hindus
call caste as jati.

The word caste came into prominence not in India but in South America
where the Spaniards settled their surplus population in the 16th and 17th
centuries and the Portuguese did the same in Brazil. Since navigation in
those days by sailing ships was a dangerous affair, Iberian women were
not sent overseas and the male Iberians had to arrange  relationships with
local women of the so called American Indian origin. This resulted in a
biracial population called Mestizos who were the offspring of male European
and female American Indian. The Portuguese males arranged marriages
with slave African women and the result was a biracial population which
is called Mulatos.
Mestizos and Mulattoes were caste terms in South America. The
Portuguese extended their influence to Asian coastal regions.
To Asia too, the European women  were reluctant to travel beause
the navigational techniques  were primitive  and two out of every
ten ships that sailed from Portugal to India were sunk in the high seas.
So the Portuguese soldiers  arranged relationships with local Asian
women and the result wa a biracial population  or to be more precise
a Luso-Goan population generally known as Mestissos.
The British were in India for about two centuries and half and they too
left a biracial population. To day the Anglo Indians are very proud of
their British connection.
In Goa, especially in coastal talukas of Ilhas, Bardez and Salcete,
the Portuguese stayed for 451 years  leaving a substantial
Luso Goan population who spoke somewhat better Portuguese
than their counterparts in Korlai and in Trincomalee.
When the time came for the Portuguese to leave Indian shores,
some Luso Goans left for Portugal where they reside as
descendentes (?) or of pure Portuguese origin. but the majority
of Luso Goans stayed put in Goa  and yet they are reluctant
to associate themselves with Portuguese umbilical cord
and would rather prefer to display proudly their so called
upper caste connections.

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