Very well explained

Sent from my iPhone

> On 28-Nov-2021, at 9:18 AM, Joao Barros-Pereira <> 
> wrote:
> good
>> On 11/28/21, Roland Francis <> wrote:
>> This is what Radharao Gracias writes on Goanet FB;
>> “We have to be extremely cautious about the so called revocation order being
>> issued by the TCP in respect of the illegal construction at Old Goa. It is
>> not unlikely  that an intentionally defective order (without following
>> prescribed procedure) or with other defects may be issued so that the doors
>> are left open, to the owner to move the Court and get it quashed. The govt
>> may then wash its hands off claiming that  that plans have been cleared by
>> the Courts”.
>> My comments:
>> So here’s what all that is about:
>> 1. A BJP minion’s husband buys land that encroaches on a Cathedral heritage
>> property. All the registrants take bribes to clear the sale.
>> 2. He builds illegally on this heritage designated property. The CM winks,
>> the ministers and bureaucrats orally nod to the construction and the minion
>> from another state shows his arse to the Goan people.
>> 3. With all this, the minion’s minions get all the clearances from this and
>> that puppet authorities who all take bribes again though with a little
>> reverence to the big farts who have already okayed what needed to be
>> okayed.
>> 4. The Goan people wake up from slumber and protest the illegality. The
>> protest movement gets un-ignorable so the Party Family devises a plan that
>> Radharao has outlined.
>> 5. If that plan doesn’t work since Radharao and others has cottoned on to
>> it, they go to plan B which may consist of some poor farmer’s land
>> “acquired” by the Govt for a number of dubious causes: Double Tracking, the
>> writ of the MPT over all rivers and riverine lands or the CM’s outdoor
>> shithouse.
>> 6. If that plan totters, then on to plan C which may make use of the
>> Bhumiputra provisions which will state that N C Shaina’s Keralite
>> grandfather was actually a Goan who had to flee because of Tipu Sultan. His
>> lands were confiscated by the Portuguese and given to another Goan who did
>> not flee and who has now agreed to return part of it to N C Shaina’s husband
>> to build.
>> Who is this N C Shaina you will say. She is a BJP mannequin posing as a
>> party spokesperson who can only answer questions for which she was prepped,
>> kinda like Google’s Alexa. Other questions she just bounces off with a
>> stupid blank look accompanied by rapid blinking.
>> Roland.
>> Toronto.

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