New aspirants and parties
Come elections hordes of aspirants and parties spring into action
The best and only way to ensure progress free of corruption ,
nepotism  is to continuously  rotate. Voters  have  not become wiser with
experience, as we weigh our personal interest more.Politicians must be seen
with passion and social good before being elected.The request for next term
is only to polish skill to amass after recovering expenditure incurred. If
we only knew exactly the benefits that accrue all would want to get
elected, except that the process is prohibitive financially Imagine that
even one day in office enables them for pension, when it requires 33 years
normally. It is shame and disgrace that for the legislator the educational
 is overlooked or qualities of heart and soul and it is disgrace that
qualities of some to represent us
First term is utilised to recover then additional period for amassing
wealth..Pleas for extension  is  meaningless as the time given need be
utilised to do what is possible
So called good people with character have defected with mantra of
It means if not in power  the promises are just a sham.when in only power
position  wheels of progress are moving  None of the above is to throw dust
in the eyes.No more than two terms will never find favour
Best thing is to change often not more than a term  for parties or
individual  Just imagine how the politicians without being industrialist
have become crore pottis
No winder they want to die with boots on and make politics a career and
profession.Do not fall prey to propaganda   promises, manifestos, their
validity lasts till results

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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