SFX was fairly successful in China much more successful in Korea but a
total failure in Japan.

The Japanese Emperor did not want to see him because the Jesuits
though great scholars were known as wily priests.

There was also the rivalry between the Portuguese and Spanish priests
for favor of the Emperor's ear.

If the Jesuits thought they might be able to convert the whole of
Japan if they succeeded in converting the Emperor and the nobility
they were sadly mistaken. The Emperor refused to meet SFX.

Christianity in Japan was viewed as a curiosity more than anything
else as it is today.

Strangely enough SFX spoke highly of the cleanliness in Japan and the
honesty of the Japanese people.

He unfortunately was terribly frustrated in Japan and lashed out at
the language.

In his famous words: the devil created the Japanese language as an
obstacle against Christianity!

On 12/3/21, Adolfo Mascarenhas <adca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was a bit puzzled about SFX contact with the Japanese Empress. The
> Emperor had refused to see him ......
> But missionaries including Jesuit They did remarkable things in China
> ......yes the Empress of China got converted;
> Nothing to do with the fiction created by one of our netters !!! Rumour
> mongering So what is the story...the real story.
> *The Significance of the Museum in Taipei*
> When Mao Tse-tung overthrew on the mainland, and the nationalist went to
> Taiwan, they created a National Palace Museum housing the ancient treasures
> of the emperors of China. Ordinary citizens from the mainland fleeing from
> China in 1949, brought several magnificent objects of sculpture and
> painting with them to their refuge on Taiwan.
> Several years ago, Western visitors to the museum were astonished to see a
> special display of the art of "the Jesuits." Quote After all, Jesuits and
> Catholics have never been many in China. But once, long ago, European
> Jesuits were not only present in China but were highly regarded for their
> skills in artistry and in other pursuits revered by the Chinese, such as
> astrology and mathematics>>>>
> It turns out that Pope Innocent X, 1644 to 1655, <<<<received a
> communication in Rome from the dowager empress of China who announced her
> conversion to the Catholic Church and her adoption of the name Helena,
> after the saintly mother of Emperor Constantine. She was not the only one
> then near the Dragon Throne to turn to Christianity.>>>>>>.
> Grandolfo
> In cool Makongo Juu
> *I am most grateful to Msgr. Owen F. Campion
> <https://www.catholicculture.org/search/resultslist.cfm?requesttype=docbrowseauth&resourcetype=1&catlabel=author&catid=831>
> who
> in July 1998*
> Please visit
> https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=473

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