Brilliant strategic advice, Roland.


On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 2:01 PM Roland Francis <>

> In the politically charged communal environment that the Catholics in
> India find themselves where:
> 1. Bogus charges of ‘conversion’ are freely bandied.
> 2 The whole state apparatus including local police turn their heads the
> other way from events of violence.
> 3. The cat seems to have got the PMs tongue.
> 4. BJP party strategy pushes local goons to destroy Christian property,
> the bishops, metropolitans and cardinals of all denominations of
> Christians should be more active in countering the threats by:
> 1. Naming and shaming individual top police officers and local politicos.
> 2. Work closely with human rights advocates and sympathetic media.
> 3. Join up with groups of eminent lawyers from all levels of Courts who
> dislike what is happening.
> 4. Leak the Machiavellian intentions of lawbreakers to foreign watch
> groups and lobbyists.
> 5. Get smart in Intelligence gathering in areas where such criminal acts
> are known to happen.
> Christians in India are generally of the higher educated class and it’s a
> cop out of their leaders to take all this lying down, playing the victim
> card. This violence perpetrated on it are obviously criminal acts and the
> state should be made to recognize and act on it as such.
> Roland.
> Toronto.
> > On Dec 7, 2021, at 12:12 AM, Marshall Mendonza <>
> wrote:
> >
> >

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