Hi Adolfo. You aren't the first to be bemused by the 'drama' unfolding in
Chandor; another commenter, with a tinge of Kenya in her as well, could
hardly stop laughing, she tells me.  And, like you, someone else mentioned
the length of my report (thank you for the 1112 word count, btw!) and I
told him I would have been spared the labour if we had cameras overseeing
(!) all committee meetings and gram sabhas!

Talking of drama, there is likely to be more coming your way. In an earlier
post I used the word bogus to describe the market plan drawn up by the
shopkeeper and his friends, little knowing that RTI investigators (moi and
a good amigo, who, eerily, also turns out to have a dose of East Africa
-Tanzania - in him!) would uncover not just misdemeanours but likely
malfeasance, which could very well extend all the way to our government's
rural development chappies.
.......The people opposing the trash segregation unit are being told that
police force will be used against them if they don't fall in line --
welcome to fascist Chandor!
........Then there's the moneyed dominants (communidadekars, bhatkars,
budding politicians, petty businessmen) working together to take control of
public affairs in the village, starting by arm-twisting the parish priest
(no saint he, though!) to let them build the new market without an NOC, and
by hoodwinking a compliant DRDA to cook up a construction plan and
tendering it even without a nod from the TCP or a NOC from the property
..........Further, there's the harassment of the panchayat secretary and
denying her full control of the files and registers in the panchayat so she
cannot deliver on RTI applications.
.......Then there's......

SOMEBOD E Y... STOP ME! -- to echo the brilliant Jim Carrey -- before I go
and rack up another thousand words....!

As they used to say in the America of treasured memory, stay tuned, people,
and keep making some noise in support!

How else are we gonna stop them crooks?

_Mog assum!_


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