The latest trend in political armoury of all parties is to lure women and
announce grandiose scheme  for all and sundry except doles for unemployed.
This wasteful unproductive expenditure across  the board ,irrespective of
sensible criteria is a poll gimmick. After all in the end it is tax payers
money and not funded by any politician.The politicians crib and are loath
 to personally come to aid  of any deserving in their Constituency however
The CM thundered  that those not confident need not apply
The scheme of Rs 5000, to all and sundry in some known unknown registered
profession  regularly are swindled and for which no proof is required.Each
one of the applicant  paid  Rs 400 minimum to apply Govt raked in revenues
by way of stamp and Notaries made hay while sun shines and typist woke up
to an opportunity .The stamp papers  were only avaiable with Advocates and
Notaries at a premium
Across Goa the scheme created a buzz and publicity for  declining fortunes
of BJP creating a false hope
There is no sign of any date of  implementation , the numbers involveled,
,financial or budgetary provisions  or when it will take off.or  whether
the applicants at least will be reimbursed the costs. THE DESIGNED,LIMITED
PURPOSE HAVING BEEN ACHIEVED  the Govt is laughing all the way with
glee.For these petty verification and attestation  the HM should be empower
or appoint Execitive Magistrates for attestation to ease the troubles and
costs. Every political party is imitating with a novel scheme to beat the
opponents advantage
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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