A common profile of highly successful conmen in India.

1. Very intelligent but usually just about or never completes high school.
2. Come from middle class families, never poor, never rich.
3. Focused on becoming a millionaire many times over and works single-mindedly 
towards it.
4. Can impersonate almost anybody of influence. That is the core of his mode of 
5. Early on learns that money is power.
6. Has a weakness for pretty women, mostly aspiring celebs and stars. Often 
several at a time. This doesn’t seem to bother the women involved (probably the 
7. Spends recklessly. That is his other value proposition.
8. Jail time never deters him. He bribes and fools jailers, inmates, police, 
judges. Enjoys five star stay inside prison cells.
9. Eventually climaxes his scams with top businessmen and politicians. That’s 
where the real money is and that’s where the power resides.
10. Knows too many secrets about too many people. Disappears before he is faces 

His latest victim or partner (you never know which) is Bollywood’s Jacqueline 
Fernandez who is now being hauled over the coals. 



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