Very sad state of affairs for Goans unfortunately. 

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> On 19-Dec-2021, at 11:13 PM, V M <> wrote:
> Just two years after the swift decapitation and annexation of the
> 451-year-old Estado da India by Jawaharlal Nehru’s troops in 1961, the
> novelist and writer Graham Greene visited the former Portuguese colony.
> In the epic *Sunday Times *cover story that followed, he marveled about
> “the uniqueness of Goa” while warning that its destruction was predestined
> because “you cannot hang a skull at the entrance [of what was then a Union
> Territory] as you can on a mango tree to avert the envious eye.”
> Greene predicted other Indians would pour into the republic’s newest
> possession in overwhelming numbers because, back then, “outside Goa one is
> aware all the time of the interminable repetition of the ramshackle, the
> enormous pressure of poverty, flowing, branching, extending like
> floodwater. This is not a question of religion. The Goan Hindu village can
> be distinguished as easily from the Hindu village of India as the
> Christian, and there is little need to drive the point home at the boundary
> with placards. The houses in the Goan village were built with piety to
> last.”
> Skip forward intervening decades – today is the 60th anniversary of the
> first ceremonial raising of the *tiranga* in my hometown of Panjim – and
> there can be no doubt the British author was right in substantial measure.
> India’s smallest state has indeed come under pressure from destabilizing
> numbers of would-be migrants from other parts of the country. These
> influxes – which only accelerated after Covid-19 - have shifted the
> demographic balance decisively to non-natives, who now comprise the
> majority (even if official statistics do not always confirm what is clear
> on the ground).
> Yet, there is no doubt Greene important things totally wrong, as did others
> at the time, including Nehru. They made the mistake of assuming Goa’s
> polity would fall in line with national trends. Instead, at their first
> opportunity these new Indians voted overwhelmingly against the Congress,
> and for newly minted regional forces in the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party
> and United Goans Party.
> Goa University history professor Parag Parobo writes in his excellent *India’s
> First Democratic Revolution: Dayanand Bandodkar and the Rise of Bahujan in
> Goa* that, against the 1961 backdrop, “Goa’s Liberation saw the idea of the
> Bahujan Samaj being reinvented. There was a shift from the attitude of
> appealing to the government to bring about economic transformation [to]
> political mobilization for a collective identity which would acquire
> political resources for itself, and a focus on attacking the stranglehold
> of the upper castes.”
> Thus, “at a time when the entire country was driven by Nehru’s vision of
> investments in industries and higher education as an apparatus of
> development, Goa, through [the first chief minister] Dayanand Bandodkar’s
> governance, prioritized human developments through schooling and health.”
> This prescient approach, which persisted right until statehood in 1987, is
> barely understood and even less acknowledged in the rest of India.
> Nonetheless, it laid the foundation for the state’s contemporary successes
> in human development, which underline its vaunted quality of life.
> Things changed rapidly after 2000. The famously idyllic coastline
> unexpectedly became one of the most highly sought New Year’s destinations
> in the world. Goa’s tourism brand soared to global renown, then crashed
> once again when the state started becoming paralyzed beyond capacity during
> high season. From 2010, when the total number of visitors spiked past 2
> million, it has been a madhouse: 3 million in 2013, 4 in 2015, 5 in 2016,
> and both 2018 and 2019 crossed an eye-watering 8 million.
> Those are scary numbers, way past sustainability. Their impact has
> devastated the once pristine landscape, with uncontrolled garbage and
> polluted water. Another symptom of India’s insatiable appetite for Goa is
> its real estate industry gone rogue, with innumerable illegalities along
> the coastline, and monstrously oversized apartment complexes on the
> plateaus. Meanwhile, in an extension of an India-wide phenomenon, the
> state’s urban areas are collapsing under mismanagement.
> Here, as with much of what has happened in Goa over the past 20 years, an
> outsized share of the responsibility for the state’s precipitous decline is
> due to the late chief minister Manohar Parrikar. In many ways, it is
> impossible to disentangle the story of what happened in Goa in that time
> from the outsized personality, capacities, whims and vagaries of the man
> who was treated as a talismanic good luck charm by Narendra Modi himself.
> Just as the first decade of the new millennium in Goa was filled with
> optimistic enthusiasm because of his unprecedented politics of the
> possible, the second was an unmitigated debacle of misgovernance due to
> Parrikar’s absence, after he took the job as Defence Minister in New Delhi,
> and later due to cancer, which took his life in 2019. The moment his hands
> loosened on the reins, an uncommonly venal and incompetent cadre has run
> riot. Even after Governor Satya Pal Malik publicly complained about
> “corruption in Goa government in handling anything and everything”, there
> has been no accountability.
> Understanding that the BJP is vulnerable under Pramod Sawant, AAP and TMC
> have charged in, sometimes to surreal effect.
> In my neighborhood, we have become used to boldface names parading on our
> doorstep. Some time ago, I peered out of my office window to see Rahul
> Gandhi tooling up on the back of a motorcycle taxi.
> This morning, the stretch of Miramar beach outside my home has been
> scrubbed past recognition in anticipation of the prime minister’s visit. On
> my usual walk, I was dumbfounded to discover an entire Potemkin fishing
> village of museum-quality traditional boats conjured up from nowhere. By
> this evening, they will no doubt have disappeared. It seems an
> enigmatically precise metaphor for the anniversary occasion. Viva Goa! Jai
> Hind!

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