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> On Sep 20, 2021, at 02:55, Ivan Pereira <> wrote:
> Joao, 
> when Goa became part of India, 1961, after the Indian Govt of Nehru sent in 
> paratroopers, then ground troops, the ‘economic literature’ shows that a 
> small State like Goa was actually ‘exporting’ food to the rest of India, & 
> was itself being ‘rationed’. 
> Import duties were raised dramatically, making the availability of foreign 
> goods Goa enjoyed financially not affordable anymore. 
> Goa actually fed India. Isn’t that amazing? 
> It exported to other countries, & was a major source of scarce ‘foreign 
> exchange’, allowing India to import other produce, & to manage its ‘balance 
> of payments‘ shortfall. 
> It is an extraordinary part of Goa’s economic history, & a telling story of 
> the Indian Govt’s management of the Indian economy at the time. 
> Goa should return to organic farming, feed itself its quality produce first, 
> not import less quality food from Karnataka, etc., & then only export its 
> supply. 
> Furthermore, Goa was self-sufficient without taxes. 
>> On Sep 20, 2021, at 02:02, Joao Barros-Pereira <> 
>> wrote:
>> Goa's agriculture deserves more than a shot in the arm to
>> survive;nothing less than a major transfusion is necessary and the
>> photo-op of a couple of MLAs in the  fields from time to time is
>> Gollywood; it cannot be expected to be taken seriously by the Goan
>> public unless our MLAs think the Goan electorate is not much more than
>> an imbecilic mass of rotten meat with the right to vote every few
>> years.
>> Giving subsidies to farmers, at this point in time, is a little like
>> trying to apply a band-aid on a patient who is at death's end. And,
>> that is about where we are today, with most of the food we eat -
>> fish,fruit, vegetables, and water - all polluted!
>> Some people are asking, what's next?
>> With the high cost and shortage of labour, the unholy abundance of
>> imported fish, vegetables and fruit from outside the state pouring
>> into Goa is indeed an ill omen; local producers cannot hope to compete
>> with the prices of the formalin-laced fish during the monsoon and the
>> polluted food!
>> And, by the way, where is the state-of-the art lab which was promised
>> by our Health Minister. June, July and August are the months for
>> formalin-laced fish at their best. Bon appetite.
>> We need to upgrade agriculture to an agro-industry.
>> Farmers organic markets and restaurants in fields in villages is the
>> need of the hour. We must have dedicated markets and organic
>> restaurants in agricultural fields in Goa where local farmers are
>> eligible to sell their chemically-free cooked food, fresh fruit and
>> vegetables.
>> Hotels and the local population will gobble up the food. Rice,
>> potatoes, onions,tomatoes, and so on, can be sold in these
>> chemical-free markets and restaurants.
>> Farmers, in this way, will get a much greater profit margin when we
>> add this marketing strategy to the subsidies that exist at present.
>> Agricultural land will become more valuable, and agriculture a more
>> viable industry, and people will celebrate the burial of 16B.
>> This new policy makes the farmer the
>> beneficiary of the land and our green Goa will not have to become a
>> concrete Goa where politicians and builders can grow richer faster
>> than a fenugreek plant can reach maturity. Best of all, the farmers
>> won't have to dispose of their land to builders!
>> Organic farming is the way to go as Goa is also a major global tourism
>> destination. Make no mistake, we do not have a choice. Health
>> conscious people will flock to Goa if organic food is widely available
>> in hotels and restaurants all over Goa.
>> Unlike the problem of garbage disposal, we need to eat food every day.
>> Bottled water in Goa today is no longer a status symbol but
>> circumstantial evidence of how polluted our ground water is - a
>> warning to us to think twice, at least, if we don't want
>> to scare the tourists away.
>> Tourism is  now the economic backbone of our state - a weak backbone -
>> as mining is snoring and on life support. Unemployment,
>> which is on the way up, is an ugly fact in the lives of Goans who have
>> to go abroad to earn a livelihood.
>> Kitchen gardens can be included in this marketing strategy:
>> individuals, too, should be allowed to sell their chemical-free fruit
>> and vegetable produce in the local farmers markets. It will help to
>> raise the standard of health in the village and provide additional
>> income to
>> households all over Goa.
>> As the truism goes - we are what we eat - and so, let's eat right.

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