It is difficult to fathom the mystery or comprehend with our finite minds
the truth of life and death. We  come to this world and leave this planet
unannounced and without our consent or knowledge. We can shed ocean of
tears, meditate ad nauseum, look to science, introspect  with an attempt to
unravel this natural, universal mystery in vain, without fully
satisfactory, justifiable reasons,  We have many searching questions for
which there is no answer and there will never be that  will  put us at ease
and comfort. At times we can
take recourse  and comfort  to   some visible signs, causes as illness,
accidents, lack of
proper care ,precautions and judgment, that only calm momentarily our
inquisitive nature. We are inclined  to speculate and flagellate  with a
guilt complex.We may conclude it is a punishment, a curse ,a mid course
correction of life   as a destiny
When an shattering experience ,disaster, misfortune suddenly and
unexpectedly  engulfs us.our mind is in frantic search for the reason and
truth..It is universal truth that  all living things must
perish one day, or  better still to accept that we are born to die.  Last
resort of consolation is that it's the will of Divine and that it must
happen accordingly.The spiritual approach may offer us some solace  as a
balm  for our tortured minds.
We wilk soon reliase  that we are not exclusively  selected  for this
unbearable mental distress, but there are endless instances where people
are  engulfed in grief of immense nagnitude It is a proverbial truth that
my complaint to buy shoes is much less in comparison  to the one who has no
legs.It is natural to magnify our woes as unparalled . It is
not understandable as to why some are called very early in life, even
before birth, others at a very young age and still others after living
long, fulfilling dreams. Some even beseach  death and pray for it. We come
across people who have lost their only bread winner, only child, a n
orphaned child just after birth, some parents are lonely,  confined to aged
homes, or they have resources but none to take care of or worst still no
biogical issues.Thete are instances when adopted children are more loving
,  understanding then biological childten  Parents are mudered to posses
property and wealth  People  die in tragic accidents , natural calamities,
pandemic ,wars and terrorist strikes  for no faults of their own.There are
instances of miraculous saves from jaws of death. It is apt to define such
truths as the destiny, over which
living things  including humans have no control. No matter what you do, it
will still occur .Research in medicine and science, surgery have at best
prolonged life, but have not yet unraveled the formula that troubles our
existence and death .It is only the faith and belief  in some religions
that can console, comfort us that it is the will of God, We are akin to
travelers just passing through from our temporary abode to permanent,
enduring space., Yet others believe in rebirth, depending upon their deeds
while on this earth. Then some are of the opinion that very thing ends with
exhaling the last breath just as birth begins with inhaling. Do other forms
of life, excluding humans, have meaning to their existence, if not to be
solely for the benefit of mankind?  Spiritual solace suggests that death is
the entry gate to eternal happiness ,where there is no sickness, pain ,
fear no wants or desires
Is the heaven or hell a state of mind to be satiated  here itself or beyond
We are disappointed and despair that we are unable to fulfill our plans for
self, family and society and need a little longer to achieve
our goals  ,hence lament and repent our early departure  in unexplained
circimstances .Such luxury of extended time beyond expiry date is not our
to demand. Hence it is best to live for today as if it is the last day. We
wonder why the farmer will pluck the  raw mangoes for pickles,  others when
due for ripening and yet leave others on the tree untouched. It is his will
the owner and master and no one can challenge his decisions or it will have
any impact on him. Similarly a gardener plucks flowers for sale and
decoration and leaves others to admire a beauty of   riots of colours
and soothe his mind. , When we depart we just return without anything,
leaving everything behind.
ALL our earthly wealth accumulated by fair and foul means,our degrees,  our
position fame is no valid currency after life. Our good ,generous  deeds
are our   assets that will live much longer .Our charity towards poor
,hungry, naked, thirsty and in extreme physical needs will earn us eternal
credits , There is no point in cursing, swearing, blaming
for our departure or  simply and helplessly resigning to destiny., when we
have been bestowed with the gift of freedom and will to exercise our destiny
What matters the most  is the span of life  lived selflessly ,not how long
we existed on this planet
Accepting our fate and adjusting to life without any rancour  under any
misfortunes of earthshaking experience , is worthy  of praise.Belief in
faith can alone fill the mind with peace  and  hrlp us to face all agonies
and torments with hope and courage
So the unending quest as to WHY  ,ME AND NOW  is fruitless exercise in
vain.Resign to the will of God and let Him shoulder the burden The weight
of our Misfortunes

Everyone of us will depart one day  with one way reserved seat, confirmed
ticket, free of cost,  the flight,arriving on schedule without a second`s`
delay. Our good deeds are our luggage ,humanity, our passport and ,love our
visa. Hence be sure to travel Executive class to your final destination.
The loss of life whether known or unknown, at any stage, in any
circumstances is as valuable and precious  to be measured without slightest
discrimination of any bias, purposeful  laced with motive  of punishment or

Nelson Lopes, Chinchinim

These thoughts have been published in Church bulletin and press and are
relevant  to be repeated

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