The Editorial that appeared in The Goan was appropriate as recently we have
been seeing several posters fixed on electric poles, branches of trees and
AND OTHER PARTS OF PANJIM. Even places of worship like in front of Panjim
Immaculate Conception Church is not spared.

This is not a new thing in many ways. It's a bad habit that has developed
over the past several years. We can still see these posters even after the
function is over. So many posters remain even after the person on the
poster has departed.

This year I've seen certain posters where the size of the candidate's photo
and name is larger than the Christmas greetings they are supposed to be for
and these posters are conveniently displayed for their publicity value at
high profile places and even places like gardens are not spared.
These ugly posters of dubious politicians known for scams and scandles give
a sorry look to the Goan society by and large who tolerate this defecament
with the attitude of "MAKAM KITEAC PODLAM" mindset.
It is unscientific that such posters adorn the precincts of the city garden
which are supposed to be lungs of the city and where many senior citizens
go for regular walk and exercise to keep themselves fit and healthy.
To add to this confusion very often these mediocre Goan politician used
their photos of National leaders like Prime Minister Narendra Modi or the
local Chief Ministers to add sanctity to their such nefarious activity.
This modus operandi promt the bureaucrats  not to take due legal action
against those placing banners in appropriate places like in front of
Churches/Temples/Mosques garden, market, public places and electrical poles
and causes harassment to the society at large.
It may be recalled that during the period when Dr. T. N. Sheshan was the
Election Commissioner of India, all the posters was in defecament of walls
of public places and residences of people was stopped and the society was
very happy with the Election Commissioner during his tenure.

What is my point this bureaucracy is gone case and nobody checks on them.
The posters are been installed if CM or top dignitaries photos are
incorporated or added. It is easy technique if one wants to get a seat in
the party or get elected put such posters.

CCP appears to be first responsible department for such a mess of posters
removal in time.

Stephen Dias
Resident of Dona Paula
Social Activist
30th Dec 2021

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