It’s a real sweat in this cold January weather for this city again. 400 
hospital staff are reporting sick daily and similar high numbers everywhere 
else - in the public transport system, in the School Boards, in the Government 
services and in places where the public is affected. 

Businesses must be bleeding cash with government grants and benefits no more 
than a band-aid. 

There’s not much information on the private sector because those who can be 
home-based are home-based and therefore cannot be counted when they report sick.

When this is over, there’ll be a huge dent in the public treasury with loss of 
revenue and extraordinary expenditure but there are also jobs in the market 
just for the asking and better paid too. Wonder who’ll be left paying the bill.

This is a time not just of sickness but of contrasts in the economy - the stock 
market flourishing, health care becoming obscenely prosperous and the economy 
still quite buoyant despite the general supply chain being broken in several 


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