Manohar Parrikar’s memorial in Miramar is taking shape. Or rather, the
concrete is hardening. There’s a metal fence around the site that conceals
- to someone driving by - much of what is going on but it isn’t hard to put
two-and-two together from the contours that are visible: yet another ugly,
unimaginative pile of steel and concrete is being unloaded. In a word, an

A civilized conception would have called for an open space, a garden,
perhaps, around a centrepiece that could have been a statue or a bust of
the man. It could have been a tiny oasis of quiet beauty in the expanding
dreck that is today's Miramar.

But I’m relieved. After all, what could be a more fitting reminder of the
man who had scant regard for his own land than a Third World quality mess
of steel and concrete, serving as a daily reminder of who he truly was - an
active catalyst for Goa’s destruction, a corrupt sellout, a friend to the
builders and the mining mafia who took down Goa’s environment, its beauty,
its culture, and with it its way of life.

In the phonetic rendition of Manohar Parrikar himself, this memorial is a
fitting symbol of his “lee-gussy.”

Rajan Parrikar
Panjim, Goa
January 2022

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