Politics is the best career

All and sundry  political candidates  rush and  clamour ,
Social work as their tag and  best armour
Rise in social status ,embracec politician's life of glamour
 Yearning seriously to  focus and acquire this honour.

No qualifications  ,experience  do require,
The most rewarding profession to acquire ,
Pensioners  benefits,  in office even for a day ,
  Tax free  emoluments are not designated As  pay..

Industrialist, businessmen work for years,
To amass their fortunes with toil and tears,
One wonders how in a short time legislators gather wealth
The answer is dishonesty , cheating and stealth.

Envy free travel, treatment, water, and power,
 Postage, fuel, interest free  loans rain in a  shower
Paid attendants ,      security  , driver, festive allowances  ,subsidised
food to eat,  ,
DA , travel allowances , only sign presence rules to beat.

Commissions on projects, jobs ,liaison  are overtime perks  to secure ,
Defections, support at a huge cost does largasse ensure,
Loyalty to party ,voters  dissent a silent voice,
Self development albeit is avowed  choice.

Benefits for generations  ,focus and gain,
Make hay while sun shines ,opportunity not to repeat again.,
Politicians swallow  any insults,in power to remain   ,
Efforts to dig in ,stay perpetually,  never in vain.

Shortest route , best profession  millions to earn,
No gestation period, skills or qualifications to learn,
By  being in power, position, enormous influence  they vield,
Courts, police,  I Tax, ED  to  any authority  need to yield.

In power   mostly  safe from any  adverse touch,
Reigning kings and rulers they vouch,
Ensure  their wives, sons  daughters  relatives  find a place ,
Children follow professions  of parents is no dynasty or disgrace.

How politicians amass,  accumulate wealth   you ponder ,
It is in line with the world's next wonder,
Any doubts why politicians want to die with boots on ,
Monuments, projects , perpetuate memories after they are gone.

People sweat, toil  over years to build  empires   and fame,
 Politicians in office  are apt  in this dubious game,
Industrialist, businessmen  , stars enter the fray  now ,
Actively participate in the process that benefits somehow.

No need  on regulations ,  policies   rules on politicians to depend ,
Pampering,   bribing  ,  be in good books ,not to offend ,
Wife, son  ,daughter a relative   fill his place
Sympathy,  empathy, to incumbent  voters gladly embrace.

Parties find  to bet on winable,   ,guaranteed  , safe choice,
Continuation of legacy of departed  a matter  of just  rejoice,
As and when politician is forced to vacate , ,retreat,
As an untouchable, with disdain voters treat.

Out of power,  influence,  loses position and  post,
 No more a  chief guest  or welcomed honoured host,
Politician with fame,  privileges,  tend to drown,
The position  is temporary glorification,power and  crown .

Devoid of  qualification  self worth  and profession ,
 Prudent to  invest in business, create assets to absorb the shock and
cushion ,
The role  of politicians is to bring, discuss  participate in  New laws ,
Not to go hamer and tongs about flaws.

Govt has various Depts to care for  development  and growth need  ,
Resorting to naugurations  , foundations,  raising toasts  a pitable task
In waking life  concentrating  on personal greed,
Selfishly striving for next generation of family to feed  .

Involve with local bodies  organisations , problems to solve ,
Not to impose might on  institutions to align and dissolve ,
Regularly listen to the voters woes and meet
Raise issues loud and clear and keep Depts on their toes and feet

Politics to day gives enormous power  influence and fame,
No  need of education  ,experience  or capital in this game,
If you win redouble  energies ,first to  ensure loss to recover .
If you lose, will drown in an ocean of debt  to discover
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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