With Goa scheduled to elect its 40 new MLAs in less than a month from now,
the election fever will heighten over the next few days.

In the last couple of decades there have been many progressive changes at
the manner in which polls are held, more particularly in the way the
election campaign is conducted. But a lot more remains to be done to ensure
free and fair polls. Restoring the independence and autonomy of the
Election commission is crucial. Plugging the loopholes in the
Anti-Defection law is also vital and must be done with no further delay.
There has to be Zero tolerance to defections. This is the very essence of
democratic processes. The ghastly spectacle of those elected pursuing the
agenda of their vested motives must come to an end. Betrayal of people's
mandate by merrily switching parties in the lust for power and financial
greed must be summarily punished.

There should be a total ban on election hoardings and no plastic flags or
posters and wall paintings. More importantly no loud speakers. There has to
also be a total crackdown on fake news and distribution of cash and other
incentives in exchange for votes. In this regard, implementation of
regulations and laws in force should be a priority.

As these elections are being held in the midst of a raging pandemic, the
focus must be on digital campaigning through social media as a mode to
connect with the voters.

Those contesting elections must act as good human beings and respect human
values. They need to value the principles of life and adhere to good
behavior in society.

During the election campaign, candidates and the political parties should
not make false and fake promises. Those that can never be trusted by the
people for delivering on their commitments and promises are not capable of
ensuring good Governance.

Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



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